Sniper Strike

Hello guys. Hope you all are well. After a long time I am back to this community with a very amazing game and this game is called Sniper Strike. This game was lying in my mobile phone for a long time and I was not playing it for the past several months because I was busy with my studies. I play games when I have free time. Well, when I was deleting extra apps from my mobile, I came across this game and decided to play it.
This game was recommended to me long ago by a friend of mine as he had been playing it for a long time. In this game we are given different tasks and rewards are given for completing these tasks. With this reward we can upgrade different parts of our weapon because we need a stronger and better weapon to play the next difficult missions.

First I was given the task of killing five enemies which was not too difficult. I will kill five enemies to free some prisoners and I don't have much time to kill them because I have to finish them off before they kill me. You can also zoom to target an enemy from a distance. When I was aiming to kill this enemie, some enemies were attacking me from one side and in such a situation you have to kill the enemy that is closest to you first.

The third time I played I was tasked to kill a Armored Gunman and before I could kill him I had to eliminate a lot of his solders and it was very difficult. I couldn't complete this mission the first time because countless solders attacked me and I couldn't fight them, so I had to replay the mission. This time I finally completed the mission after finishing all the solders and Armored Gunman.

To play some missions it is necessary to upgrade your weapon because those missions are very difficult and you cannot play these missions without upgrading. You must have some money to upgrade your weapon as you can see in the picture below I have 79. If you have no money and need to upgrade your weapon, you cannot play the game for some time or you can pay to buy the gold or money.

When you complete some tasks then you get a level increase like mine is level four. Then you are given some reward and if you see ad, your reward is upgraded. This reward gives you gold and some other bonuses that help you complete these missions. The reward distribution in this game is very good, you are rewarded so much for completing a level that you can upgrade your weapon 5 times.

I was given a mission to kill a king which was very difficult but I played it with a very present mind and I really enjoyed playing this mission as I killed countless solders before killing the king. In this task it was night time and it was also raining so I had a lot of fun playing this task and I did upgrade my weapon to play this task because it was too hard.

When I got the task to kill the two commanders, I saw a helicopter flying over the sea and water splashing from its air. It was a very beautiful view and I quickly took a screenshot, I really liked the graphics of this game. I noticed that a commander was inside a helicopter and it was a bit difficult to kill the commander in a flying helicopter but I did well while not too difficult to kill the other commander.

I tried to get the best screenshots while playing this game and I had a lot of fun playing this game. I played this game for about an hour and a half. I will suggest you all to play this game once I hope you will enjoy it. Don't forget to give me your feedback about this game.