Battle on a Contaminated Planet, Aggresive Sentinel Encountered.

Hello, and welcome to my blog. Once again, I stepped into the vast universe of the No Man's Sky video game. My current distance from the galaxy's core is 86,248 light years away. I am in the third galaxy, Calypso, and I plan to go to the next galaxy. So every time I play, I will jump around 5 thousand light years, getting closer each day, but sometimes I just explore all the planets on a system.

Today, I was exposed to a system called Roistne in the Rungniel Spur Region. The good news is that I am the first traveller to discover this system. There are four planets and two moons in this system. The planets are called Rochi, Xapho Major, Anjos 96/M2, and Ateo Omega, while the moons are called Yolisaa IX and Rihem XIII. My first target to explore a bit was Anjos 96/M2, a bladed planet. As you can see in the picture, the planet's surfaces were covered by sharp and blade-like minerals. I found only one fauna on Planet Anjos 96/M2. You can look at the picture; the fauna looks like a butterfly. The fauna is named X. cloudinbulci, a simple insect that eats nitrogen oxide and is made of stardust. What a unique discovery!

After discovering the one and only fauna on Planet Anjos 96/M2, I move to the next planet, a contaminated planet named Xapho Major. According to my starship's scanner, the planet has aggressive sentinels. I'm in the mood to battle with the sentinels today. So I travel to this planet just to fight the sentinels face-to-face without hiding myself inside a building like I've done in each battle before this. I am more confident now because, after a courageous battle, I now have the skill and experience to win the full wave of sentinel forces. I feel so excited about the battle. With Minotaur and my very own sentry drone helper, I am sure this battle would be memorable.

Xapho Major's atmospheric decay is extreme. Every few minutes, the atmosphere turns extremely toxic, posing a serious threat to my life without my exosuit. Extreme weather is not a concern for me when I am traveling on foot on a planet, as I currently have three layers of S-rank protection against extreme atmospheric conditions. So, I searched for the sentinel to engage the battle, found the nest, and hopefully got the S rank multitool.

Numerous gravitational balls are scattered across the surface of this planet. I could make a significant profit if I were to collect and sell them. Eliminating the entire sentinel wave would be a great idea, so I can collect as many gravitational balls as possible and sell them for millions of dollars. My vehicle made my journey on the ground easier and allowed me to reach a point more quickly. It also provides an opportunity to enjoy the game.

The patrolling sentinel drone finally caught up with my activities. I draw my weapon and quickly eliminate some sentinel drones. As it usually does, my action will trigger an emergency call, and drone reinforcements will come to investigate and attack me whenever they have the chance. After a few battles, the fight with the drone was very easy, but when the sentinel robot and the robot dog came, it started to get much more interesting!

The walker finally came, as the final boss of today's battle. My strategy is to eliminate all repair drones first. The repair or medic drone's vitality is very low; just one hit from my weapon is enough to eliminate it. It feels so annoying when you already reduce the walker's vitality and suddenly it is fixed by the medic drone of the sentinel. The walker is really tanky; killing it without destroying their medic drone first would be a worse nightmare.

I achieved victory, defeating all sentinel forces and disabling the planet's sentinel signal. The victory has given me the freedom to collect as many gravitational balls as I can, but that's not the priority right now. I received the coordinates of the sentinel pillar after defeating the walker. So, I followed the signal and reached the giant reddish pillar. No sentinel walker, as expected, was patrolling the area. After destroying all the pillar control nodes, I unlocked access to the multitool. Unfortunately, it was only a C-rank multitool, essentially a regular pistol. I aspire to acquire a sentinel rifle to benefit from its damage bonus. I hope one day I will find one that I like!

I think that's enough for today. If you read this far, I would like to thank you so much. Thank you for your attention and support, it means a lot to me. That's all for today, see you in the next adventure of No Man's Sky. Have a nice day. Goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing No Man's Sky game. My thumbnail picture was made using PixeLab mobile apps,.

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