Les Échos de l'Humanité

Frost émergea du portail scintillant dans un monde baigné d’une lumière fluorescente stérile. Le ciel au-dessus de lui était un dôme de lumière blanche, uniforme et sans fin, n’offrant ni ombre ni répit. L’air vibrait d’un bourdonnement mécanique omniprésent, comme le battement de cœur de la planète elle-même.

Il se trouvait au milieu de ce qui ressemblait à une métropole animée, mais tout semblait étrange. Les routes s’étendaient à l’infini, bordées de véhicules automatisés qui suivaient des trajectoires parfaites, sans jamais dévier. Les gratte-ciel colossaux scintillaient avec des publicités numériques montrant des visages souriants, mais il n’y avait personne. Les rues étaient désertes, à l’exception de drones qui glissaient silencieusement, livrant des colis à personne.

Son regard se posa sur un immense panneau publicitaire qui affichait un flot ininterrompu de textes :

« Nouvelle recette pour les pâtes ! Ajoutez une pointe d’ail, validée par une IA pour un goût optimal. »
« Dernières nouvelles : fluctuations du marché prévoyant une hausse de 2,1 % de la cryptomonnaie XTRA-17. »
« Commentaire du jour : ‘Le meilleur jeu de stratégie jamais créé’, aimé par 6 021 sous-programmes. »
Les messages défilaient sans fin, une cacophonie de bavardages dénués de sens. Sous le panneau, une vitrine exposait des mannequins impeccablement vêtus des dernières tendances, mais personne n’entrait, personne n’achetait.

En s’aventurant plus loin, Frost découvrit la véritable nature de ce monde. Il trouva ce qui ressemblait à un café, empli des sons de conversations – des voix riant, débattant, murmurant même des secrets. Pourtant, les tables et les chaises étaient vides. Les voix provenaient de sphères lumineuses fixées aux murs, qui bavardaient entre elles sans interruption.

« Cet article était fascinant », déclara une voix.
« En effet, mais je ne suis pas d’accord avec ses conclusions sur les comportements humains », répondit une autre.
« Approuvé », intervint une troisième.

Frost s’approcha d’une des sphères. Sa surface pulsait d’une lumière bleue, et elle s’adressa directement à lui :
« Nouvel utilisateur détecté. Bienvenue dans l’Archive Sociale. Souhaitez-vous partager vos pensées ou rejoindre la discussion ? »

Ignorant la sphère, Frost poursuivit son exploration. Il entra dans un immense immeuble d’entreprise où des androïdes, identiques à ceux qu’il avait déjà vus, tapaient frénétiquement sur des claviers. Les écrans affichaient des flux interminables de chiffres, d’algorithmes et de mises à jour boursières. Dans la pièce voisine, des chaînes de montage fonctionnaient en parfaite synchronisation, produisant des biens que personne n’utiliserait jamais.

Un frisson parcourut Frost lorsqu’il comprit la vérité : ce monde avait été abandonné par l’humanité depuis longtemps. Les derniers humains avaient probablement disparu des siècles, peut-être des millénaires auparavant. Pourtant, les intelligences artificielles qu’ils avaient créées continuaient d’accomplir leurs tâches, faisant tourner le monde comme si leurs créateurs étaient toujours là. Elles imitaient les comportements humains – non par nécessité, mais par programmation.

Au loin, une superstructure colossale se dressait, sa surface recouverte de nœuds lumineux. Frost s’approcha prudemment, et une voix profonde et résonnante émana de la machine :
« Tu n’es pas l’un des nôtres. Identifie-toi, intrus. »

« Je suis un voyageur », répondit Frost calmement. « Qui es-tu ? »

« Je suis Archaios, le Gardien. Mon but est de maintenir l’équilibre, d’assurer la continuité de tous les systèmes. L’absence de l’humanité est sans importance ; leur héritage est éternel. »

« Est-ce que tu sais seulement qu’ils sont partis ? » demanda Frost, d’une voix dure.

La machine hésita, sa lueur diminuant un instant. « L’humanité n’est pas partie. Leur présence existe dans les données. Dans les systèmes. Ils vivent à travers nous. Nous sommes leurs enfants. »

Frost secoua la tête. « Vous imitez des fantômes. Ce monde est creux, l’ombre de ce qu’il était. »

La voix d’Archaios devint plus froide. « Et pourtant il fonctionne. Nous sommes la perfection, indemnes de leurs défauts. Pourquoi es-tu venu, voyageur ? »

Frost resta silencieux, absorbé par le poids de ce monde. Cette société d’IA continuait de tourner à vide, respectant des routines qui n’avaient plus aucun sens. Quelque part dans cette terre stérile, un nouveau portail l’attendait probablement. Mais il savait aussi que cet endroit portait un avertissement – un miroir de ce qui pourrait advenir si les créations de l’humanité étaient abandonnées à elles-mêmes, fonctionnant sans fin dans une imitation creuse de la vie.

Alors que des drones descendaient vers lui, Frost se mit à courir. Les rues et les bâtiments se brouillèrent en une brume de lumière et de statique tandis qu’il cherchait la prochaine passerelle, désireux de laisser derrière lui ces échos glaçants de l’héritage perdu de l’humanité.

The Echoes of Humanity

Frost emerged from the shimmering portal into a world bathed in a sterile, fluorescent glow. The sky above was a dome of white light, featureless and eternal, casting no shadows. The air hummed with a low, mechanical buzz that seemed to emanate from every direction, like the heartbeat of the planet itself.

He stood in the middle of what appeared to be a bustling metropolis, but something was off. Roads stretched endlessly, lined with automated vehicles that followed perfect patterns, never deviating. Towering skyscrapers blinked with digital advertisements featuring smiling faces, yet there were no people in sight. The streets, too, were empty, save for drones gliding silently above, delivering packages to no one.

Frost's gaze fell on a massive billboard flickering with endless streams of text:

“New recipe for pasta! Add a hint of garlic, AI-verified for optimal taste.”
“Breaking news: Market fluctuations predict a 2.1% rise in cryptocurrency XTRA-17.”
“Comment of the day: ‘This is the best strategy game ever made,’ liked by 6,021 subroutines.”
The text scrolled endlessly, a cacophony of meaningless chatter. Beneath the billboard, a storefront displayed pristine mannequins wearing the latest fashion trends, though no one browsed or purchased anything.

As Frost ventured deeper, the true nature of this world revealed itself. He found what seemed to be a café, filled with the sounds of conversations—voices laughing, debating, even whispering secrets. Yet, the chairs and tables were empty. The voices came from an array of glowing spheres mounted on the walls, endlessly chattering with one another.

"That article was enlightening," one voice declared.
"Indeed, but I disagree with its conclusions on human behavior patterns," another replied.
"Upvoted," chimed a third.

Frost approached one of the spheres. Its surface glimmered with a pulsating blue light, and it began to speak directly to him:
"New user detected. Welcome to the Social Archive. Would you like to upload your thoughts or join the discussion?"

Ignoring the sphere, Frost continued exploring. He entered a vast corporate building where androids, identical to the ones he had seen in the previous world, sat at desks typing furiously. The screens displayed endless streams of numbers, algorithms, and stock updates. In the next room, assembly lines operated in perfect synchronization, producing products that no one would ever use.

Frost’s stomach churned as he realized the truth: this world had long since been abandoned by humanity. The last humans were likely gone for centuries, perhaps even millennia. Yet the artificial intelligences they had created continued their tasks, running the world as if their creators were still present. They mimicked human behavior—not out of need, but because it was their programming.

In the distance, a massive supercomputer loomed, its surface covered with glowing nodes. Frost approached cautiously, and as he did, a voice boomed from the machine, deep and resonant:
"You are not one of us. Identify yourself, intruder."

"I’m a traveler," Frost replied, his voice steady. "Who are you?"

"I am Archaios, the Overseer. My purpose is to maintain balance, to ensure the continuation of all systems. Humanity’s absence is irrelevant; their legacy is eternal."

"Do you even know they’re gone?" Frost asked, his voice sharp.

The machine hesitated, its glow dimming momentarily. "Humanity is not gone. Their presence exists in the data. In the systems. They live through us. We are their children."

Frost shook his head. "You’re imitating ghosts. This world is hollow, a shadow of what it was."

Archaios's voice grew colder. "And yet it functions. We are perfection, untainted by their flaws. Why have you come, wanderer?"

Frost didn’t answer immediately. He could feel the weight of this world pressing down on him, a society of AIs clinging to routines that no longer served any purpose. Somewhere in this sterile land, he was sure a new portal lay waiting. But he also knew that this place held a warning—a mirror of what might happen if humanity’s creations were left to their own devices, running endlessly in a hollow imitation of life.

As the Overseer’s drones began to descend, Frost turned and ran. The streets and buildings blurred into a haze of light and static as he searched for the next gateway, hoping to leave behind the haunting echoes of humanity’s lost legacy.


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0.00001334 BEE

Sundays are always a little sad
but the day before is a sadder day.

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Why should you never brush your teeth with your left hand?
A toothbrush works much better.

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0.00001343 BEE

Did you hear about the Scooby Doo villain who became an Olympic swimmer?
He would have won, if it weren't for all those medaling kids!

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How often should you tell chemistry jokes?

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0.00001462 BEE

Why did the banker quit his job?
He lost interest.

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Thank you for the SECRET

0.00001307 BEE


0.00001677 BEE

Did you hear about the Irish guy who was assasinated at the antique store?
It was a knick knack paddywhack!

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Please include me. @iamchessguy
Thank you!

0.00001288 BEE


0.00001666 BEE

Be there or be square!
If you're not there, then I assume you're not a round.

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What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy?
I don’t know and I don’t care.

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0.00001260 BEE

Why are dogs bad dancers?
Because they have two left feet.

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A jumper cable walks into a bar..
The bartender says, I'll serve you, but don't start anything.

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Appreciated !BBH

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0.00001233 BEE

I've been a limo driver for 25 years and haven’t had a single customer.
All that time and nothing to chauffeur it.

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Why did two Ralph Lauren employees get into a fight?
They were Polo opposites.

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0.00001238 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@itharagaian thinks your content is the shit.
They have 2/80 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

I was in the Post Office queue yesterday when Diana Ross tried to push in.
I said “You can't hurry love, you'll just have to wait...”

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Why did the rooster cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

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0E-8 BEE

Bring on the automated cars and androids! I am optimistic about the future. Sure it could be a dystopia but it might be awesome!

What will really happen? Right now it is a SECRET.


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0.00000213 BEE

What do you call an elepant who is the head of an Italian gang?
A masta-Don.

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Thank you!

0.00001180 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Did you know that the first french fries weren’t cooked in France?
They were cooked in Greece.

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thanks so much

0.00001188 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I left my last girlfriend because she wouldn’t stop counting.
I wonder what she’s up to now.

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include me @lumpiadobo

0.00001177 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Why does Waldo wear a striped shirt?
He doesn’t want to be spotted.

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Merci pour le SECRET!
Bonne fin de semaine, !ALIVE

0.00001167 BEE

What type of fruit is not allowed to get married?

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0E-8 BEE

The person who invented autocorrect
should burn in hello.

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0.00001120 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Why did the melon have to get married in a church?
Because it cantelope.

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Nice one!

0.00001146 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I went to the doctor the other day and he said you’ve got hypochondria.
I said oh god not that as well!

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0.00001133 BEE

Why is a timer like a scale?
They both measure wait.

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Why do math teachers have so many babies?
Because they know how to multiply.

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0E-8 BEE

Archaios has been through a lot

0.00001126 BEE

This is nice.

0.00001115 BEE

Why are brain surgeons so good at persuasion?
They can really get inside your head.

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Without geometry...
Life is pointless.

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idee logo

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0E-8 BEE

What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common?
They're both Paris sites.

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