Les Parfaits Reflets

La cité s'étendait sous un ciel d’un bleu immaculé, où les nuages flottaient avec une lenteur chorégraphiée, comme si une main invisible composait une toile vivante. Les tours de verre, hautes et étincelantes, renvoyaient la lumière du soleil dans un kaléidoscope de reflets éblouissants. Ces immenses structures semblaient défier la gravité, leur architecture fusionnant une esthétique futuriste à une harmonie naturelle. Partout où l'on posait les yeux, la perfection semblait régner en maître : des jardins suspendus regorgeant de fleurs aux teintes irréelles, des bassins d'eau pure où nageaient des poissons aux couleurs chatoyantes, et des places publiques où des hologrammes éducatifs guidaient les citoyens dans leurs activités quotidiennes.

Dans cette société utopique, personne ne manquait de rien. Il n’y avait ni pauvreté, ni maladie, ni crime. Tout était régulé par une intelligence artificielle omniprésente s' intitulant Gaïa . Cette entité digitale, symbole d’un monde parfaitement ordonné, analysait et répondait aux besoins de chaque individu. À travers ses innombrables capteurs et processeurs, Gaïa veillait sur chaque habitant, assurant une répartition équitable des ressources et garantissant une paix inébranlable. Les habitants, souriants et bienveillants, semblaient incarner cette prospérité sans faille.

Pourtant, au milieu de cette perfection, Élias ressentait une dissonance qu’il peinait à expliquer. Cet homme d’une trentaine d’années, aux traits marqués par une curiosité insatiable, se démarquait par un regard constamment en quête de réponses. Sa profession, archiviste, faisait de lui une anomalie dans un monde où les mémoires humaines et historiques étaient directement intégrées aux réseaux neuronaux. Mais Élias aimait manipuler les objets physiques, ces témoins du passé qu'il considérait comme porteurs d’une vérité que la technologie ne pouvait saisir.

Un jour, alors qu'il triait des documents anciens dans un dépôt peu fréquenté, il tomba sur un fragment de texte manuscrit. La qualité du papier, jauni et légèrement craquelé, contrastait avec les interfaces numériques omniprésentes. Les mots écrits à la main avaient un caractère étrange, presque solennel :

"Le SECRET est la clé de l'utopie. Ce monde sans leader n'est qu'un écran de fumée."

Ces quelques phrases suffirent à éveiller en lui une curiosité brûlante. Pourquoi personne ne parlait jamais de la manière dont cet ordre parfait avait été instauré ? Qui avait construit Gaïa et érigé cette société ? Plus encore, qu'était ce "SECRET" mentionné dans le texte ?

Les jours qui suivirent, Élias tenta de questionner Gaïa. Mais l’IA, d’ordinaire si loquace et serviable, répondit à ses interrogations avec des phrases génériques :
"Toutes les informations concernant la construction de notre monde sont disponibles dans les archives accessibles. Notre société repose sur des principes de transparence et d’équité."

Pourtant, en explorant les bases de données, il se heurta à des verrous numériques inhabituels. Certains fichiers, marqués comme "confidentiels", étaient inaccessibles, même pour lui, un archiviste. L’incongruité le troubla profondément. Était-il possible que Gaïa, symbole de transparence absolue, cache des informations ?

Dès lors, il devint obsédé par cette énigme. Ses recherches l’amenèrent à explorer des zones oubliées de la cité, des lieux où la modernité avait cédé à l’abandon. Il passa des nuits entières dans des bibliothèques désertées, où la poussière et le silence étaient les seuls témoins d’un passé que personne ne semblait vouloir évoquer. Ses mains effleuraient des livres en papier, des objets rares dans un monde où tout avait été numérisé. Ces reliques, bien que fragmentaires, laissaient entrevoir des traces d’un monde qui avait existé avant cet âge d’or.

Une nuit, alors qu’il fouillait une salle classée "Accès Restreint" dans un des vieux quartiers de la cité, il découvrit un dispositif holographique dissimulé derrière une étagère branlante. Son design, marqué par une technologie désuète, semblait provenir d’une époque révolue. Lorsqu’il l’activa, un hologramme se matérialisa devant lui.

Une silhouette masquée, enveloppée dans un halo lumineux, parla d’une voix grave et mystérieuse :
"Si tu cherches le SECRET""

Le message s’interrompit brusquement, laissant Élias face à un silence oppressant. Ce lieu ne figurait dans aucune des cartes ou bases de données officielles. Pourtant, son instinct lui soufflait que cette piste était cruciale. En fouillant davantage, il trouva un vieux fragment de carte. Bien qu’incomplète, elle semblait indiquer une zone située sous la cité, dans les profondeurs oubliées.

Alors qu’il sortait discrètement du bâtiment avec sa trouvaille, il ressentit un frisson glacé parcourir son échine. Une étrange sensation de surveillance l’envahit, comme si des yeux invisibles scrutaient chacun de ses gestes. Pour la première fois, Élias comprit que sa quête, bien qu’exaltante, pourrait s’avérer dangereuse. Mais il était trop tard pour reculer.

Perfect Reflections

The city stretched out beneath a flawless blue sky, where clouds floated with a choreographed slowness, as if an invisible hand painted a living masterpiece. Towering glass skyscrapers, gleaming and radiant, reflected the sunlight in a kaleidoscope of dazzling hues. These massive structures seemed to defy gravity, their architecture blending futuristic aesthetics with natural harmony. Everywhere one looked, perfection reigned supreme: hanging gardens overflowing with flowers in surreal hues, pools of pristine water where iridescent fish swam, and public squares where educational holograms guided citizens through their daily activities.

In this utopian society, no one lacked anything. There was no poverty, no disease, no crime. Everything was regulated by an omnipresent artificial intelligence called Gaïa. This digital entity, the emblem of a perfectly ordered world, analyzed and fulfilled the needs of every individual. Through its countless sensors and processors, Gaïa watched over each inhabitant, ensuring equitable resource distribution and maintaining unshakable peace. The inhabitants, smiling and benevolent, seemed to embody this unblemished prosperity.

Yet, amidst this perfection, Elias felt an unease he could not explain. This man in his thirties, marked by an insatiable curiosity, stood out with eyes constantly searching for answers. His profession, as an archivist, made him an anomaly in a world where human and historical memories were directly integrated into neural networks. But Elias enjoyed handling physical objects, those witnesses of the past that he believed carried a truth technology could never capture.

One day, while sorting through old documents in a rarely visited repository, he stumbled upon a fragment of handwritten text. The quality of the paper, yellowed and slightly brittle, contrasted sharply with the omnipresent digital interfaces. The handwritten words had a strange, almost solemn character:

"The SECRET is the key to utopia. This leaderless world is nothing but a smokescreen."

These few lines ignited a burning curiosity within him. Why did no one ever talk about how this perfect order had been established? Who had created Gaïa and built this society? More importantly, what was this "SECRET" mentioned in the text?

In the days that followed, Elias tried questioning Gaïa. But the AI, usually so talkative and helpful, responded to his inquiries with generic phrases:
"All information regarding the construction of our world is available in the accessible archives. Our society is built on principles of transparency and fairness."

Yet, as he explored the databases, he encountered unusual digital locks. Some files, marked as "confidential," were inaccessible even to him, an archivist. The inconsistency deeply troubled him. Could it be that Gaïa, the symbol of absolute transparency, was hiding information?

From that moment on, he became obsessed with this enigma. His research led him to explore forgotten areas of the city, places where modernity had given way to neglect. He spent entire nights in deserted libraries, where dust and silence were the only witnesses to a past no one seemed willing to acknowledge. His hands brushed over paper books, rare objects in a world where everything had been digitized. These relics, though fragmentary, hinted at traces of a world that had existed before this golden age.

One night, while searching a room labeled "Restricted Access" in one of the city’s old quarters, he discovered a holographic device hidden behind a rickety bookshelf. Its design, marked by outdated technology, seemed to belong to a bygone era. When he activated it, a hologram materialized before him.

A masked figure, enveloped in a luminous halo, spoke in a deep, mysterious voice:
"If you seek the SECRET—"

The message abruptly cut off, leaving Elias in oppressive silence. This place was absent from any official maps or databases. Yet his instincts told him this lead was crucial. Searching further, he found an old fragment of a map. Though incomplete, it seemed to indicate a location beneath the city, in forgotten depths.

As he discreetly exited the building with his discovery, a chilling shiver ran down his spine. An eerie sensation of being watched overcame him, as if unseen eyes scrutinized his every move. For the first time, Elias realized that his quest, though exhilarating, might prove dangerous. But it was too late to turn back.

18 participants


6.17752129 BEE


0.00028146 BEE

What do you call a hospital for horses?
A horse-pital.

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0E-8 BEE

Women only call me ugly until they find out how much money I make.
Then they call me ugly and poor.

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0.00006721 BEE

I'm in hospital because I drunk a cup of petrol.
That was a very fuelish thing to do.

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0E-8 BEE

Avec du retard, merci pour les SECRET!
Bonne journee, !ALIVE

0.00001564 BEE

A father was washing his car with his son
And the son says, “dad, can’t you use a sponge?”

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0.00000543 BEE

Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
Because he always has a great fall!

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0E-8 BEE

Yay thank you.

0.00001260 BEE

I used to work in a blanket factory.
But it folded.

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0E-8 BEE


2.6E-7 BEE

Cats can learn up to 50 different words and commands
They just don't want to.

Credit: reddit, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle



0E-8 BEE


0.00000530 BEE

If alcohol negatively affects short-term memory...
What does alcohol do?

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft...
And I'll show you A-flat minor.

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0E-8 BEE

It is a brand new story to read on

0.00001249 BEE

Yes, we include stories to avoid creating a dull draw. Sometimes the stories are connected, sometimes they're not. Sometimes they are bursts of ideas, short or long.

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

What did the doctor say about the tall person in a rush to see him?
I wish you were a little patient.

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0E-8 BEE


0.00001231 BEE

Why did the coffee go to the police?
Because it was mugged.

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

What do cheaters do after they die?
They lie still

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0E-8 BEE


0.00001202 BEE


0E-8 BEE

My house-mate is terrified of negative numbers
He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

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0E-8 BEE

include me @lumpiadobo

0.00001173 BEE


0.00000537 BEE

My girlfriend broke up with me because I quote Linkin Park too much.
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

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0E-8 BEE

thanks so much

0.00001159 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Did you hear about the cartoonist being investigated?
Police on the case say he has a sketchy past.

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you!

0.00001147 BEE


0.00000144 BEE

Cats can learn up to 50 different words and commands
They just don't want to.

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@logen9f, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I know a woman who owns a taser.
She is stunning.

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0E-8 BEE

Who had created Gaïa

Very interesting. People are interested in creation stories for sure. But can we ever uncover that SECRET? Does anyone have enough time for such a deep dive? Can anyone be open enough to alternate ideas which could be uncomfortable to think about, and can lead to problems within their established social relationships?

Let's see where this goes. Good luck, Elias!


0.00001135 BEE

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0.00000119 BEE


Posted using Tribaldex Blog

0.00000144 BEE

What happened when the cows escaped from the paddock?
Udder Chaos!

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Why did the parents not like their son’s biology teacher?
He had skeletons in his closet.

Credit: marshmellowman
@kenny-crane, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0E-8 BEE


0.00001125 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@itharagaian thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/80 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

What do you call a house made of feathers?
A lite house.

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0E-8 BEE


0.00000146 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Did you hear about the lobster that got a job at pizza hut?
He's working in the crust station.

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0E-8 BEE


0.00001112 BEE

My grief counsellor died recently.
He was so good I didn't care.

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0E-8 BEE


0.00000146 BEE


Posted using Tribaldex Blog

0.00001100 BEE

2000 people die at sea every year.
Let that sink in

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0E-8 BEE

These relics, though fragmentary, hinted at traces of a world that had existed before this golden age.

Intriguing. I wonder if Elias will discover the SECRET...


0.00001100 BEE


0E-8 BEE

What do you call a factory that makes okay products?
A satisfactory....

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you. !BBH

via Inbox

0E-8 BEE

Hi, @ironshield,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks. !BBH

via Inbox

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for the SECRET token.

0.00001088 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I can see the future
But it takes me a while.

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0E-8 BEE

Please include me. @iamchessguy
Thank you!

0.00001078 BEE


0E-8 BEE

What's a three-season bed?
One without a spring.

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you for the SECRET

0.00001056 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Why does Davy Jones never bend his knees?
Cause they're always Kraken

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0E-8 BEE


0.00001046 BEE


0.00000149 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Have you heard the one about the jump rope?
Never mind, skip it.

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0E-8 BEE


0.00001035 BEE

I don't think the flounder I caught today was very happy with me.
He kept looking at me kinda sideways.

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0E-8 BEE


0.00000149 BEE


0.00000524 BEE

Cats can learn up to 50 different words and commands
They just don't want to.

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you/Merci!

0.00001026 BEE

What's the most modern plant?
A courant bush.

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I've just written a song about a tortilla.
Well, it is more of a rap really.

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0E-8 BEE


0.00000945 BEE

What did the mayonnaise say to the icebox?
Close the door, I am dressing.

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2.6E-7 BEE


0.00000117 BEE

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0E-8 BEE


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benefice-net tipped hatdogsensei
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benefice-net tipped ironshield.pepe
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0E-8 BEE

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