New University Course || Hive and Hive-Engine Dev Assistance Requested

Exposing Students to Blockchain

This is my eighth semester teaching an honors-seminar entitled Entrepreneurial Value Creation in Society. Last semester, I offered extra credit to encourage students to explore Hive. This semester, students are required to submit their weekly assignments via Hive. You can follow their discussion posts and reflection papers at

I also started teaching a new university-level entrepreneurship course this semester -- Blockchain-Based Entrepreneurial Venturing. As it turned out, all the students who enrolled in the class were business school students. However, I was also interested in getting STEM students interested in exploring the possibilities blockchain has to offer.

Calling All STEM Students ...

So, I decided to offer a new technology-focused course next semester, in addition to Blockchain-Based Entrepreneurial Venturing, to encourage STEM students to explore the blockchain. The tech-focused course -- Blockchain Programming & Development -- will be an honors add-on. That means it will be a 1-credit-hour honors course that must be taken concurrent with one of the following courses (allowing the student to get honors credit for the concurrent course):

  • ENGR1412 (Introductory Engineering Computer Programming)
  • ECEN3213 (Computer Based Systems in Engineering)
  • CS2133 (Computer Science II)
  • CS2433 (C/C++ Programming)
  • CS3353 (Data Structures and Algorithms)
  • CS3653 (Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science)

Prerequisites for the course include CS1113 (Computer Science I) and a working knowledge of Python, Javascript, Typescript, or Ruby.

Although I have fairly extensive programming experience (mostly in C, Javascript, and PHP), I feel like I’ve done the proverbial biting off more than one can chew by offering this course. However, I have found that there is no better way to truly learn something yourself than to endeavor to teach it to others.

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An Educational-Focused Discord Server

I was sharing my thoughts and plans about the new course with @aggroed a couple weeks ago and he suggested that I create a discord server wherein my students could ask questions and get advice and feedback from Hive and Hive-Engine devs.

So, I have created an “Oklahoma State Univ -- Student Blockchain Coding” discord server -- here is the invitation link (or click the OSU logo below).

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Feedback from Hive and Hive-Engine Experts

The basic idea here is that once the semester kicks off, students will be able to pose questions and get timely feedback from experts. A big part of that, I suspect, will be you (the experts) pointing them to various github repositories where they can view specific code examples that are similar to whatever they are trying to accomplish.

Between now and then, though, I am hoping that some of you will be able to help me [1] get up to speed as much as possible on the nuances associated with blockchain-based programming, [2] identify which existing tutorials and code examples would be best to introduce my students to first, and [3] possibly develop some new tutorials.

When you join the server, please introduce yourself and identify your specific areas of expertise. I will create and assign various roles based on those areas of expertise.

Thanks a bunch!

3.75673411 BEE

Hive devs in short supply these days.

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Hive devs in short supply these days.

Hopefully we can mint a few more in the coming months. How hard could it be?

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0.03458000 BEE

I want those cats.

0E-8 BEE

Sounds very interesting :)

0.00010043 BEE

I think it's a good idea to have an academy course like Steemit to introduce lectures. It's easy for new users and I think there should be a competition of lectures.Get a good reward for writing a good post

1.6E-7 BEE

It really made me feel so much better and I want to come here to work and earn some good for the future. Here I can build my future. Thank you for creating such a beautiful platform.

0E-8 BEE

Wow. This is a really good idea which everyone will appreciate it more bigger than what you can ever imagine. Having a course programming, Java and more can be more suitable for more people outside. I'm also interested. Well-done

0E-8 BEE


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This is a great idea :) Are curious readers welcome too?

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Yes they are!

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Excellent ❤️

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Excellent project! Good luck with it and have fun with the students! 🖥⌨️

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Hi @trostparadox
You must be the most seasoned academic faculty member I have noticed on hive.
I have started a community called Academia at
I would love to have you post things there and work together to help take this off the ground.

Posted via

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Muy interesante lo que usted menciona acerca de que, los estudiantes que puedan presentar sus trabajos, e investigaciones en esta plataforma.. Están haciendo dos cosas, adquiriendo conocimiento y pudieran también adquirir ingreso económico. Déjeme felicitarlo por todo lo que hace, por esta publicación. Aunque no hablo inglés, estoy usando el traductor, pero me parece excelente lo que hacen ustedes por esos futuros profesionales, digno de admira e imitar.

Very interesting what you mention about students being able to present their work and research on this platform.... They are doing two things, acquiring knowledge and they could also acquire economic income. Let me congratulate you for all you do, for this publication. Although I do not speak English, I am using the translator, but I think it is excellent what you are doing for these future professionals, worthy of admiration and imitation.

Translated with (free version)

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Hey there @trostparadox
@iliyan90 Here sorry to bother you I hope you don't see it as spam.
To follow you I may have found knowledge or wisdom in your Blog keep in mind.

I'll attach a Proof of Brain video explanation of why I will unfollow you from this account and refollow you from @calisthenicsdrop

Read the entire post here:

You know I'll keep on following your time spend on Hive blockchain!
I hope you see my vision.

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

hi @trostparadox, thought I'd come visit your blog to see if you've posted anything recently but I guess your time is being consumed by the Vyb project these days ;-) I'm no Hive Dev haha so I can't help there. Did you manage to find someone, in the end, to help you out? I hope so. You have some of the most interesting courses available from what I have seen in Gradnium !PIZZA

0E-8 BEE


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@samsmith1971(10/10) tipped @trostparadox (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

0E-8 BEE

I am in this class! And so far it is great thanks to @trostparadox

0E-8 BEE

Hahaha! I love the title on this post! This is me 100% of the time I think! 😅

@trostparadox! I was just thinking today… and all that thinking got me wondering…

I just launched the announcement post for a Hive engagement initiative called ‘Operation #Ping’ a few days ago. I’m wondering… would you or any of your students want to join? (That would be awesome if even some of you guys wanted to join-up! It would make my month actually!)


So the link to the announcement post is bellow if you are interested in checking it out!

This link is the English version but I have also had Operation #Ping translated into Spanish, Tagalog, and Hindi! Just an FYI!

Operation #Ping

Today’s Promo Post!

Also… I wanted you to know that I have been using the #VYB hashtag for the last couple @Comet.Ranker posts and have plans to add it to all posts going forward. ☄️

I plan to take some time (once Operation #Ping wrapsUP) to learn more about the #VYB project… anything to support this cause as I believe it to be a worthy one.

Thank you for your time and here’s to an awesome and eventful new year! 🙌

Comet Ranker

P.S. Please note that the sign-up deadline for Operation #Ping is at 23:59 Jan.07.2022 so hopefully I’m getting this to you in time! 🤞

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