Good day, dear Splinters,
A bright day for all Magic Warriors fans. It will be a special Battle mage secret where no range warriors can compete in the arena.
Are you ready to build your defense against magic strikes?
It will be a serious quest to control the arena by the end of the second round, due to the similar shield built from the opposite line.
This battle showed three different rulesets that create the perfect element of surprise in the offensive strategies deployed in the arena.
Explosive Weaponry: All Monsters have the blast ability.
Broken Arrows: Ranged attack Monsters may not be used in battles.
Ferocity: All Monsters have the Fury ability
Mana Cap
Explosive weaponry was the igniting element in this combat. It is the element that will create the difference on the board. The reflector shield stopped much additional damage that arrived from both sides of the boards, but not every card was protected.
Grandmaster Rathe | | Imperial Knight | |
Runi | | ||
Time Mage | | Soul Fiend | |
Chaos Agent | | Evelyn Auvera | |
Lux Vega | | Pelacor Conjurer | | ||
Corsair Bosun | | Soul Fiend | | ||
Celestial Harpy | | Venator Kinjo | | Time Meddler | |
My strategy was simple. I boosted all friendly warriors and made sure that reflector shield and magic reflection abilities were present in the list of abilities of key warriors in my selection.
Life fighters on the opposite side were prepared to stand on their position despite the heavy load of magic strikes directed to their lines.
Grand Master added void armor to all his line of warriors. It made the task harder to reach the enemy health point. However, I was lucky that most active warriors on my team were capable to strike each round.
It was pretty well set since the first round that all firing elements on the board could cause destruction of larger proportion due to the blast. The team with warrior not active made the wrong strategical move in this selection.
Buenos días queridos astillas,
Un día brillante para todos los fanáticos de Magic Warriors. Será un secreto especial para los magos de batalla en el que ningún guerrero de rango podrá competir en la arena.
¿Estás listo para construir tu defensa contra el golpe mágico?
Será una búsqueda seria controlar la arena al final de la segunda ronda, debido al escudo similar construido desde la línea opuesta.

Well done, thanks for sharing!