Crafting Season Has Started In Our Home - Prepping Halloween Crafts!


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Everything on one table, more to come!

We love to craft!

For the past two years, I've managed to share a series of Christmas crafts and I plan on doing so again this year. It's a shame that I had to donate/sell most of my crafting supplies that I collected over the years because it was quite easy to pull something from my supplies and start creating with so much material out there. One emigration later, I need to build my collection from scratch and I've been trying to do so over the past month or so. I love how my daughter enjoys this crafting time together so I'm trying to think of crafts suitable for her as well while I focus on the crafting content to publish on Hive.

Halloween arrived early!

This year, I've actually managed to do what I wanted to do every year: start prepping early! I can even say that my daughter's Halloween dress is already here for some weeks and all I need to do now is add some accessories to the outfit. When I started the search for her Halloween dress and ideas for accessories, I also started to collect crafting ideas and think of the needed supplies. I find that incredibly hard sometimes because often I think of ideas while I'm creating something else to then realize that I miss a few supplies to follow up on that idea. But I like to think that this early prepping of Halloween crafts this year will help me to fulfill all the crafts I want to this year because I still have plenty of time to order things online and later to find them in the few supply stores nearby.

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There will be paint as well!

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A hidden Googly monster!

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A lot of supplies like felt, foam and all sorts of other decorations

I pick my crafts carefully

I browse over the net for days and days sometimes weeks to get ideas and then make it my own. I see how things are made and often think of a way to improve that design and let it all sink in until I eventually have my own design worked out and start collecting the material for that design. It doesn't end there though, what I also want again is to have a few matching templates to present the craft in the header of the post on Hive so that you can quickly see if this is a craft you'd like to try yourself. The process part of the post speaks for itself of course, but I don't want to rush the header design so this year I will first create several designs and take pictures to play around designing a few matching templates that will be recognizable for my content.

1 Craft a day in October

It's my aim to publish one craft every day in October and I'm now trying to make sure that I have most crafts ready when October starts. I have no clue if I will make it as I'm still waiting for several deliveries with supplies and also still looking for some supplies at this moment, while the list of needed supplies probably keeps growing every time I sit down for a craft, but I think it's safe to say that I can at least manage to have the content for the first two weeks ready before October starts. Every day added is a bonus! The sooner the better though because immediately after, the Christmas series will need my attention!

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Jewelry making supplies

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Learning a new skill: felting

Possibly selling Halloween accessories

If all goes well, and I find time to create plenty of items, I will offer them for sale online to see if there is interest for those handmade accessories, this goes for both the Halloween and Christmas series. I used to have my own web shop in these handmade items and the past years it has been itching to start this again at some point. I probably would not want to do this year-round anymore but only focus on holiday themes as well as special occasions. The Spanish love to dress up their children and I can see how this will be received well here, so although I don't want to think too far ahead, I can really see how this could work out here. That's for later concern though, first, I'm focusing on the crafts and content of the crafts, the rest comes later.

Now it's time to start planning the crafts and content. To be continues very soon!

Thanks for reading!


That would have been the most curious question I would of had is how popular Halloween is in Spain. It seems that it is. It's awesome that you can continue your traditions.



To be honest, I had no idea when we moved here the first time that this was the case. We got the keys to our apartment the first time we moved to Spain just before Halloween. We never celebrated that in Holland though, so we never even thought about Halloween celebrations :) Until there was very loud music a few evenings after we moved there, and the whole town seemed to be marching towards some places where they did some artsy Halloween shows. The music was pretty cool and we had a very nice evening, it was a nice surprise :)

I don't know if this is celebrated this big in the smaller towns too like where we are now, but we'll see. I have her costume as my experience is that it will be a thing at school at least, if not, she can use it for carnival :) haha



Looks like your ready to craft up a storm :)

Have fun :)



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Hey there!
It can be frustrating when you need to part ways with your craft collection due to relocating, and then find yourself having to replace them. That's happened to me so many times.

Halloween items do surprisingly well, so you could be onto something good, as long as you get your deliveries on time.

I look forward to seeing your work:)))


Hi! Nice to see you again!

The worst thing about parting with those supplies was honestly that I had the best boxes (a full collection of them) that made the closets look so tidy and I was so happy I found them. I could not even use them for 6 months and had to sell them for insanely low prices.

It is what it is though, at least now I have much more access to good supplies, even some options here in the stores which was a huge problem in Budapest. They never had what I needed or for stupidly high prices that I was not going to pay.

But even if I can't order anything online anymore, I think with a few buys here and there for some crafts, I can fill up a whole month.

I'm also looking forward to sharing the content!

Thanks for stopping by!


Makes me wonder what kinds of costumes you are gonna be crafting. 😊

Btw, most of us celebrate halloween here in the Philippines but it is more on the food. It is very rare to see anyone wearing a costume.



Hi :)

Not going to create the costumes because I don't have a sewing machine and this is something still on my wish list maybe for next year.. Depends on all other things I want to try though lol. I don't know if that's for me ;)

I'm only crafting the accessories that go with the outfits like headbands, hairclips, but also magic wands stuff like that. Plenty of ideas and often much more fun than the stuff you buy in the store or order with the outfits..

Thanks for stopping by!


Ready made stuffs are kindna boring and you end up having the same costume/accessories with your neighbor. 😊 I also see family crafting activities are great bonding activities for the upcoming holidays.

I am actually also looking into crafting and DIY that I can put some electronics with it. I am kind of good in electronics but very bad in crafting. 😁


Oh that's a very cool idea! Most crafts (if you have an idea that is) you can find some sort of tutorial somewhere probably, or something similar that you can use for your own design.. I always browse endlessly through other crafts before I decide what I will create.. and then often first collect the items needed and adjust it a bit lol.

But something with lights or movement in it for Halloween or Christmas, I say go for it, give it a try! You might design something people love and worth selling :)


This sounds very interesting.
You have just given me a seasonal business idea. 😊


Awesome, looks like we will both be crafting for some small business around the holidays :)


free those googlyeyes!!


Hahaha, they will be free soon!

Not to worry, we take care of them!


Looks like you are ready to make some really great Halloween costumes. Thanks for sharing.


Ohhh awesome!! I love Halloween. I am curious to see what you come up with! !PIZZA


I think this halloween season is going to be amazing. You have many materials to work with and do great works.
