La pelona y el café - The pelona and the coffee / LOH #202

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La pelona y el café

No recuerdo en mi familia y hago un repaso hasta la generación de mi madre, no hay mujeres pelonas. La abundancia del cabello se ha hecho presente en nuestras mujeres por mucho tiempo.

Cosa que no es tan amable para la parte masculina en la familia presentándose desde abundancia en la juventud y la coronilla del cura en los hombres. Algo bastante típico que le sucede a los hombres.

Les comparto el post del reto, Ladies of Hive Community Contest #202 en el cual nos comparten la amiga @amberkashif dos temas o preguntas:

1.- Dada la influencia de los estándares de belleza globales en nuestra percepción del cabello, muchas personas se esfuerzan por tener un cabello grueso y fuerte para lograr los estilos deseados. La caída del cabello puede ser particularmente angustiosa y a menudo se percibe como un problema importante. ¿Has experimentado pérdida de cabello? Si es así, ¿cómo afectó su bienestar emocional? ¿Pudiste identificar una solución eficaz o has encontrado formas de afrontarla con calma y confianza?

y / 𝐎

2.- Una conversación de calidad se considera ampliamente como un componente crucial para construir y fortalecer relaciones. En su opinión, ¿qué constituye una conversación de calidad? ¿Qué elementos cree que mejoran la calidad de nuestras interacciones? ¿Podrías compartir una experiencia personal en la que mejorar la calidad de tu conversación haya llevado a una mejora notable en tu relación?

Imagen de Engin Akyurt en Pixabay

Cuando mi hermana se le detecto cáncer en el sistema digestivo y se sometió a quimioterapia, contemplamos la posibilidad de que perdiera el cabello y que necesitaría una peluca. De hecho sin que ella lo supiera le iba a pedir a la peluquera que llegado el momento nos cortaríamos el cabello tipo rapado si comenzaba a perderlo por la quimioterapia. Y aunque mi hermana perdió algo de cabello que se quedaba en el cepillo nunca se quedó sin cabello.

Tuve una prima bastante joven que comenzó a perder el cabello, era bastante delgado y comenzaba a verse algunos espacios. Pero no encontraban una razón médica para ese problema.

Después de muchos estudios médicos sin encontrar una razón, resulta que no comía vegetales, ni carne y la mayoría de su alimentación eran dulces y chocolate, causándole una falta de nutrientes necesarios para el cabello.

Tuvieron que suministrarle nutrientes por suero y la caída del cabello se detuvo. Pero como sigue teniendo malos hábitos alimenticios su cabello sigue siendo delgado y poco abundante.

Para mi el sentarme con una taza de café a conversar es la mejor terapia del mundo. Siempre he disfrutado esa agradable sensación de contarnos el día mientras tomamos una taza de café.

Una conversación debería tener espacio para que las dos partes cuenten sus inquietudes o necesidades, no es la idea que la otra persona te aporte una solución, sino simplemente poder conversar sobre los problemas que nos aquejan.

El solo escuchar a otra persona con sus problemas puede darnos la oportunidad de sentir que los nuestros no son tan graves.


Imagen de cristhianelouback0 en Pixabay

Lack of hair and coffee

I don't remember in my family and I look back to my mother's generation, there are no bald women. The abundance of hair has been present in our women for a long time.

Something that is not so kind for the male part of the family, presenting itself from abundance in youth and the crown of the priest in men. Something quite typical that happens to men.

I share the challenge post with you, Ladies of Hive Community Contest #202 in which our friend @amberkashif shares two topics or questions with us:

1.- Given the influence of global beauty standards on our perceptions of hair, many individuals strive for thick and strong hair to achieve their desired styles. Hair loss can be particularly distressing and is often perceived as a significant issue. Have you experienced hair loss yourself? If so, how did it impact your emotional well-being? Were you able to identify an effective solution, or have you found ways to cope with it calmly and confidently?


2.- Quality conversation is widely regarded as a crucial component in building and strengthening relationships. In your opinion, what constitutes a quality conversation? What elements do you believe enhance the quality of our interactions? Could you share a personal experience where improving the quality of your conversation led to a noticeable improvement in your relationship?

Imagen de Engin Akyurt en Pixabay

When my sister was diagnosed with cancer in her digestive system and underwent chemotherapy, we considered the possibility that she would lose her hair and need a wig. In fact, without her knowing, I was going to ask the hairdresser that when the time came we would cut our hair shaved if she started to lose it due to chemotherapy. And although my sister lost some hair that stayed on the brush, she never lost her hair.

I had a fairly young cousin who started losing her hair, it was quite thin and some gaps were starting to show. But they couldn't find a medical reason for that problem.

After many medical studies without finding a reason, it turns out that he did not eat vegetables or meat and the majority of his diet was sweets and chocolate, causing a lack of nutrients necessary for his hair.

They had to give him nutrients through serum and the hair loss stopped. But since he still has bad eating habits, his hair remains thin and sparse.

For me, sitting with a cup of coffee and talking is the best therapy in the world. I have always enjoyed that pleasant feeling of telling each other about the day over a cup of coffee.

A conversation should have space for both parties to share their concerns or needs. The idea is not for the other person to provide you with a solution, but simply to be able to talk about the problems that afflict us.

Just listening to another person with their problems can give us the opportunity to feel that ours are not so serious.


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Mobile realme 5 pro and Xiaomi 12T Pro
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Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo. Un abrazo.
Thanks you. A hug.

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Fortunately for your sister and cousin, they were able to stop the hair loss and it is very true that the conversations serve as therapy. !LADY

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Sending love and curation Ecency vote. keep giving the best♥️

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Muchísimas gracias. Un abrazo.
Thanks you. A hug

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I experienced hair loss about 3 months after having Covid. It went on for the better part of 8 months. I was devastated. Even though it seems like a natural thing for men to lose it, with no reason like chemo, for ladies, it is devastating. I am glad your sister did not have to go through the hair loss on top of the chemo. I hope she is well today?

A good cup of coffee is always the perfect vehicle for conversation! I think we listen better!

Thanks for sharing my friend, and have a lovely day! !LADY🤗💜🍁🌻

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Yes, those radiotherapy and chemo treatments are always very hard. The truth is that he didn't even overcome the illness and he died, it was a very difficult time. These diseases are very hard. Covid causes many consequences for some people and of all kinds, from flu, allergies and body pain. Enjoying a cup of coffee with my friends in the kitchen is always wonderful. A hug.

Si esos tratamientos de radioterapia y quimio siempre resultan muy duros. La verdad es que ni supero la enfermedad falleció, fue una época muy difícil. Estas enfermedades son muy duras. El covid 19 causa muchas consecuencias para algunas personas y de todo tipo, desde gripe, alergias y dolores en el cuerpo. Disfrutar una taza de café con mis amigas en la cocina es siempre maravilloso. Un abrazo.

0E-8 BEE

I am sorry for your loss; it is never easy. Take care my sister!🤗💟✝️🙏🌹 !LADY

0E-8 BEE

Seems like that cousin of yours is addicted to sweets that's why she didn’t modify her unhealthy eating habits despite facing the destruction of her hair.

About quality conversation I loved your explanation of having a space where we can talk freely.

Thanks for sharing, !LADY

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0E-8 BEE

If she had bad eating habits that were a little hidden, she became very chubby, had surgery to staple her stomach and lost weight, but since she couldn't fit so much in her stomach she continued eating unhealthy, until she realized the importance of health. Conversing over a cup of coffee recharges your energy. A hug.

Si tenía malos hábitos alimenticios un poco ocultos, se puso muy gordita, se opero para engrapar el estomago y bajo de peso, pero como le cabía tan poco en el estomago seguía comiendo poco saludable, hasta que se dio cuenta la importancia de la salud. Conversar disfrutando de una taza de café recarga las energías. Un abrazo.

0E-8 BEE

Oh! It means she had been through quite much for her stomach

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Curated by amberkashif

0E-8 BEE

Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo.

0E-8 BEE

It is great your cousin never had to experience hair loss during her chemo treatment, and I hope that she is now doing health-wise?

Telling each other about our days is a great way to strengthen the bond among Loved ones. !LUV

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Grateful for your comment and support. The truth is that after five years fighting cancer I couldn't overcome it, December 2013 was a very hard year. Illnesses don't forgive. A hug.

Agradecida por tu comentario y apoyo. La verdad es que despues de cinco años luchando contra el cáncer no logro superarlo, fue un año muy duro diciembre 2013. Las enfermedades no perdonan. Un abrazo

0E-8 BEE

So sorry to hear that , sending lots of love your way.❣️❣️❣️❣️

0E-8 BEE

I had no idea such a thing existed. I mean chemotherapy without hair loss.

And what you said in the last paragraph about conversations, I can’t agree more.

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Yes, hair loss is normal with chemo, but we have very abundant hair in the family and this treatment does not leave us without hair. Nothing like a good conversation over coffee, I love it, people talk and express themselves healthily. A hug.

Si es normal la caída del cabello con la quimio, pero tenemos en la familia un cabello muy abundante y no nos deja sin cabello ese tratamiento. Nada como una buena conversación tomándose un café a mi me encanta, las personas hablan y se expresan sanamente. Un abrazo.

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@tipu curate 8

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Thanks you. Muchísimas gracias.

0E-8 BEE

So, unhealthy eating habits can affect one's hair

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If that is correct, not taking foods that give you vitamins and foods for hair and nails cause the body to lose them and look for ways to survive their lack. Thank you very much for the comment. A hug.

Si eso es correcto no tomar los alimentos que te dan vitaminas y alimentos para el cabello y las uñas hacen que los pierda el cuerpo busca como sobrevivir a su falta. Muchas gracias por el comentario. Un abrazo. @christybliss

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