Meaningful Life Plus Lessons From Failure - LOH Contest #200

Hello beautiful people! Welcome back to my space! Can you believe what just happened?

The Ladies Of Hive Community just got to the 200th Weekly contest! Can you imagine the kind of dedication and effort it takes to do something and be consistent about it? That is why I am starting my post by giving @ladiesofhive Community some well-deserved accolades. Congratulations to @thekittygirl and everyone one of us in this community.

For this week, @priyanarc has presented us with these thoughtful questions which I quote below:

1ļøāƒ£ How do you define a meaningful life, and do you feel you are living one?
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2ļøāƒ£ How do you handle failure, and what do you learn from it?

My Personal Definition And Experience Of A Meaningful Life

I would say that a meaningful life is a life which is lived with the intention of making every moment count, and also making every day count.

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In my own understanding and opinion, a meaningful life does not necessarily mean that everything is perfect, yet there is a reason, a driving force, a why, that makes someone keep striving and trying to be better and do better, not only for their own good.

My honest answer to the question of whether I am living a meaningful life is a big "Yes!" Yet, I will also honestly tell you that once upon a time, that wasn't the case for me.

In this life, I have gone through so many things that made me question whether my life had any meaning at all. I have faced hardships and fierce battles that came at me back to back. I have faced betrayals, rejections and almost went into depression.

But at a point, just a few years ago, I learnt to start living my life moment by moment, taking one step at a time, facing one day at a time. This has brought amazing changes and honestly made me more productive in both my business and relationships.

I am still a work in progress, but definitely leaving a more meaningful life than before.

Lessons From Failure

One of the things I feared greatly was failure. I grew up in a family where you are not allowed to fail.

As a young child in school, failing any subject in school meant punishment at home plus endless scolding. So I worked hard to come out with the best grades, but no one knew I had this secret fear of failure. I was always the first and best in my class, until I experienced my first failure in the university. You can imagine how devastated I was. How was I going to face my family?

Many years later, I have made business decisions that ended in failure, etc etc.

These failures I experienced (I only mentioned a few by the way, lol) were somehow traumatic for me. But I learnt a lot from those experiences.

One major lesson I learnt is that whatever we fear ends up happening, so I decided to begin working on building/restoring my confidence.

I also learnt that failing an exam doesn't make me a failure, but that failure is a state of mind. This is why I take positive affirmations seriously.

I have also learnt not to be hard on other people when they perform below my expectations. Instead I look for their strong points and commend them. In fact, I do this more for my children.

I have learnt also to not take on too many tasks or project at the same time, but rather give my best to the little I can handle at a time for more productivity.

Thank you so much for reading my post. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section, and I will get back to you.

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Fear literally can make us afraid to move! I've been there too, and I completely understand. It took me a long time to realize that it doesn't matter what others think of me; what matters is that I am true to God and the rest will be as it should be.

Thank you for sharing; take care and have a lovely day!šŸ¤—šŸŒ»šŸ’œ !LADY

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Fear is the beginning of failure, and I learnt the hard and painful way. That experience opened my eyes to many deep truths about life, but it took me a long time to believe that 'that' doesn't define me.

Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words @elizabethbit

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Thank you so much! Feels good, hehehe!

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You've got this @ngwinndave! Keep putting in the effort and you'll reach your target in no time.

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I once said to someone. "I wish there was no such word as failure" has a strong weight that our thinking plays an important role in our life. I see that since you started college, you have had to understand why it affected you so much and what was your method of dealing with it calmly.
Your experience is very motivating, you know.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, @aliciarodriguez . That experience wasn't easy for me, but I am grateful that it was the starting point of better experiences for me.

I am so grateful for your visit.

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For me. It was a pleasure to read you. I appreciate your experience. I know it wasn't easy for you. Yet you are here to tell it for sure. Hugs and happy Sunday ā˜ŗļø

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When I was in school, because of fear I had to face a lot of circumstances. Fear can be a reason for failure as well. I am glad you have overcome everything and learned so much in life. I wish you all the best...

Thank you...

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God helped me to overcome fear, and build up faith and confidence.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate you.

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Congrats to the community and to you all amazing participants.
Indeed, we all have had moments when we seemed like living shadows but one good thing is rediscovering the righ path and walking through it. Meaningful should always be lived

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Thank you so much, bro. I appreciate your kind words

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Exams are just a test to the brain. The result doesn't determine the level of knowledge one has.
Failure is a natural phenomena. In different aspects of life, be it education or business, there is bound to be a case of failure along the long run.
We cannot live without failing at something unless we live so cautiously which is the same as not living at all- J.K Rowling.
So grab a lesson from any sort of experience with failure. Let's keep making lemonades from those lemons šŸ˜‚.

0E-8 BEE

Yes, yes, yes!!!! I wish I knew better then. Failure only has the meaning we give it. Now, I keep using my lemons to make lemonades.

Thank you so much for your kind words, Sis.

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