Dogma, Spirituality, and Technology

Dear all my friends,..

Answering get spiritual and technology side by side
In my understanding, technology and spirituality should coexist. They will complement each other so that humans will be in balance. Without technology, we will be blind and do not know the world that continues to grow.
Technology will bring humans to an increasingly advanced civilization. If we leave technology and only focus on spirituality, then we will be alienated and increasingly left behind. When we meet an advanced civilization, of course we will be the most stupid people.
With human technology, we can do better, more efficient and effective occupation of the land. Technology makes it easy for humans to meet increasingly many and unlimited needs. Without technology, humans will be primitive and backward.
However, we also cannot abandon spirituality. Spirituality will guide people to peace of heart and a calmer mind.
Of course, what I mean by spiritual is not just a religious dogma. Spirituality here includes all transcendental dimensions that include human life in relation to personal, other people, nature and also God.
Spirituality will be very closely related to the affairs of the human soul and heart. Inner satisfaction with spiritual essence guides humans to immaterial self-achievement.

Understanding and dogma

Spirituality, if understood narrowly, will narrow down to religion. In religious belief, of course, it will be very close to the dogma taught through the scriptures. Often when reading the scriptures textually it becomes seen as contradicting the understanding of logic.
However, if we look deeper, we will find that religion also teaches science and technology that will be easily accepted by reason. What often makes the difference is the human interpretation of the dogma being taught.
For example, in religion it is taught that God exists. So we have to go deeper and see the reality that exists in this universe. We believe that the creator of this universe is God. Nature does not happen by itself, and there must be a natural cause. We know nature is real and exists, so of course there will be something that causes nature to exist. It is impossible for a truly existing nature to be caused by nothingness.
Even if we dig deeper, religion can provide inspiration for technology development.
we can take the example of how aviation technology developed is not at all contrary to religious teachings. we are even asked to learn how birds fly so that many experts are increasingly interested in developing how a bird can fly and becoming the basis for making airplanes.
Of course the scriptures do not include the manufacture of airplanes because the scriptures are not books of science. However, don't forget that in the scriptures it has been reported about many things that will make people want to study more deeply so that various experts in various fields appear.
In this case, I think that religion will be able to underlie the development of science and technology. I also read in the holy book that it teaches humans to try to improve themselves by using technology to be able to rule the world. Of course religion will be a foothold in acting so as not to become an arbitrary creature.
Religion or other spirituality will provide direction that provides the basis for human wisdom in acting using technology. Able to consider which use of technology will benefit or damage nature and other humans.

We can even remember what Albert Einstein once said, Religion without science is lame, science without religion is blind. This phrase becomes even more relevant to state that technology will be able to even have to live together. With science and technology based on spirituality will make humans become perfect beings.

Thus all my writing to answer QOTW #9:4

Best regard from Indonesia.

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