My Learning Style

A few subjects I found challenging during my highschool were mathematics and physics. Physics had more theoretical aspects of it than the practical, and what we were left with was the terms which did little or no explanation of the subject being taught and mathematics had a lot of theorems. I found it hard to comprehend theoretical teachings with no practical examples. A Topic I had been struggling to understand for months became easy to comprehend the moment a practical example was applied and I wondered if all the grammar being spoken was just for something as easy as that. I learn faster when practical examples are applied, it helps me think wide and I tend to retain the detail for a long time.

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So whenever I'm in a position to teach, I often believe everyone has my style of learning. I apply more practicals than the theories, and sometimes give illustrations with real-world objects with the hope to pass the message across the same way it becomes easy for me. In points where no illustration was provided, I created one to help those who had the same style of learning as me.

After college, my most pressing desire has been ways to create wealth, learning is no longer as important as it was during highschool and college . But one way I keep my brain active is through reading books. It goes with my style of learning, with a lot of illustrations and practical examples to back up their belief and principles. What never gets old is learning, and the only practical way to do that after college is either through reading or in a case where our work requires learning on-the-job.

Let's say, the brain has no rest and my preferred learning style goes with practical and illustrative teaching. In scenarios where it's theoretical, I sketch the words, mapping them out until I get the message.

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Sometimes, I wonder what made me join science class in college. Maybe it was just so I can answer "science student". Damn! I was worse at those unpractical practicals.😂. Biology was my best cos I loved drawing, but not anymore.

Uncle, I'm also interested in learning how to create wealth. Please help a sister. 😜

0.00000000 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@luchyl thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/10 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
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It was always a pride bearing the name science student until one realized he knew nothing about science 😆.

For the wealth, you're already in line

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Pride that later turned to prideless. 🤣

I want a fast line, biko 😅

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Practicals actually help to learn more and faster because you don't need to read the book to know.
Some people read books and yet find it difficult but once practical is done, you'll be like so this is what I'm finding it hard to understand.

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That's true, with practicals, it's easier to understand

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Yea it is.

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