Hello everyone.
This is your weekly dose of the prompt ideas that users can write from.We are championing as part of our efforts to keep the community engaged and running smoothly.
Image from meta AI
For the seventh week here is the topic we can discuss.
We have all fasted at some point in our lives before. Share your personal journey with intermittent fasting. What motivated you to take that step, what challenges did you face and also, what adjustments did you have to make?
Did it have any physical and mental effects, lifestyle changes, and long-term effects on you? What did this experience teach you about yourself and food. And lastly , what advice would you give to anyone planning on taking this step, focusing on honesty and practical tips.
All posts should have a word count of 300 or more.
This activity will remain active until next Monday(10th) and then we will publish a new topic on Monday.
Kindly visit the posts of others as well and leave comments.
Also, kindly subscribe to the community before dropping your entry.
Ensure you use copyright-free images if you’re using images from the internet and also state that the image is yours if it’s your image.
Avoid any form of plagiarism or the use of AI generated content
Including the following tag in your post, #health-prompt7
Very interesting one,
Mine coming right up....