Good Reputation Opens Doors to Opportunity and Success

We humans are unique in our own way and have differences depending on preferences and ideology. When it comes to our reputation and public figure, not everyone really cares what others think about them or the way they present themselves to the general public; instead, they'll rather do whatever it takes to amaze wealth regardless of whether that tarnishes their reputation. I for one have a strict attitude towards my reputation, and I'll tell you all about it in this article.

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The holy book, the Bible, said and I quote that a good name is better than gold and silver, and that's to indicate that it's better to have a good reputation than to be rich or wealthy and yet be a rich man with a bad reputation. You see, the reputation of a man speaks louder than words. Of course we know that our world today has evolved and people now celebrate wealth and riches over morals and good manners, and this, in my opinion, is a shame.

I personally know that riches and wealth are essential to having a good and sustainable life, but to indulge in immoral acts or questionable habits just so we can acquire that isn't the right way to be good because regardless of how rich you are, those who know your story will know how you come by what you have, and a good parent won't set you as a mentor for their wards to learn from.

Something I snuff through the social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and the likes, and I'm graced with the sight of indecently dressed ladies or does who even display their private part online just so they'll be gifted TikTok gifts such as lions, money guns, and the likes, and I'm like, Does this person even have a family? because I know if I were to try such, my siblings or family members would have called me to order immediately to show that I'm not just tarnishing my reputation by indulging in such an unrulying act but the reputation of my family and friends.

The importance of a good reputation is so enormous and can't just be pushed away, and one of them is trust. When you have a good reputation, you usually foster trust in a way whereby people know and have faith in your capacity, and regarding what you can do and can't do, someone without a good reputation can't be trusted with significant issues that deal with morals and the like; you can only trust them to do an undo.

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Another good aspect of a good name and reputation and why I'll also prefer it is because it tends to pave the way for opportunity and employability. When you're known to have a good reputation, doors of opportunity will continually open for you because you've been known to have a good standing and can as well be trusted to handle the situation of the organization well and diligently.

And that's not forgetting that a good reputation can earn one respect from society and everyone around you. That's, in a nutshell, a good reputation broods credibility, and everywhere you find yourself, you'll be given some form of respect because your good reputation speaks a lot about your kind of person, and that kind of inspires people to respect you and as well look up to you as a mentor to learn from.

Last but not least, when you know at most top world countries, they don't just vote a riffraff into power to rule them; instead, someone with a roadmap of success and of a high reputation would most likely be appointed as leaders to lead by example rather than someone with a bad reputation that's well known for being either immoral, untrusable, and the like, to mention but a few.

So in a nutshell, my reputation is very important to me, and I don't joke with it. In a situation when I see myself driving towards something that would tarnish my reputation, I tend to abstain from such, and if paraventure someone else is the one trying to ruin my reputation, I do all it takes to defend myself and reinstate my good name.

All photos taken and edited on canva.

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0.00137755 BEE

I agree with you, a good reputation opens doors of opportunity, I've seen how reputation has worked for someone and that alone made him what he is today.

Too bad, these days people don't care about their reputation, all they care about is how to make money without putting their public image into consideration.

0E-8 BEE

Yea the example of that people you know is a show of what good reputation bring to a person.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback.

0E-8 BEE

You are welcome

0E-8 BEE