A Good Name


A good name, they say, is better than silver or gold; I totally agree with this saying because you might not really have physical cash, but having a good name or reputation can open doors for you that you never thought of.

How important is reputation and public image to you?

A good reputation or public image has to do with the way people see you outside the confines of your home, either in your workplace, school, or religious organizations; it is the perception people have of you as regards your morals.

In this present day and age, where connections and networks are the bane of human existence, your reputation usually precedes you. Have you ever met someone for the first time and begun to treat you nicely because they've heard good things about you? some other person might go somewhere and he or she is treated anyhow even without them meeting the person previously only because they heard things that weren't so nice about the person and they use that as a yardstick to treat the person in a not-so-nice way.

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Your reputation precedes you, it goes before you to places you haven't been before. A good reputation is so much more than people's good opinion about you; it shows more of the trust, integrity, dependability, and reliability you have proven over time. “This person can deliver on the job given even without supervision, he won't steal your money no matter how much you entrust him with”, “She will keep to her words, she said she will deliver your job tomorrow right? Just relax and wait for her delivery, she doesn't go back on her words”, these and many more are phrases that show good reputation.

A good reputation is very important to me as it opens doors, it makes people refer you to places you haven't been to. I remember one time when I had to go to another state to spend some time due to a job I needed to do; I needed to make a particular dress for my friend's wedding that was around the corner.

I'm not someone who makes bespoke dresses a lot; I usually just prefer to go for the already-made ones; this was borne out of countless disappointments from some designers around me, so I told my friend who was hosting me about my predicament. She said she had a designer that makes her dresses, and that she makes really good clothes, I was like “Are you sure?”, She assured me countless times that I would be surprised and the designer would deliver. She promised to take me to the designer's outlet and we did.


Upon getting there, the designer was actually a male, first surprise, he took my measurements, asked about what I wanted, that I should try giving him a mental picture of what I wanted, also showed him something a bit similar to it, we talked about the price and when it would be delivered, and we came to an understanding.

Long story short, he actually delivered more than I expected; I was pleasantly surprised, and I was a happy customer. Ever since that time, I have been referring him to all of my friends. As for me, even though we aren't in the same location, I just send bulk fabrics and ask him to surprise me, and he never fails to do so. But fortunately or unfortunately, he had to travel out of the country, so I was back to square one of getting a good and reliable designer.

So yes, for me, a good reputation and public image are very important, not just for you, but also for your family, your children, and your loved ones.

Thanks for stopping by


All images are mine, except otherwise stated

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you @hivebuzz

0E-8 BEE

All good @fredaa! You're a true Hive champion! Onward to that new goal!

0E-8 BEE

A good name truly is better than gold or silver.

This was beautifully written dear @fredaa.

Popped in from Dreemport, always an awesome #dreemerforlife

0E-8 BEE

This was beautifully written dear @fredaa.

Thanks dear.

0E-8 BEE

Yeah, good name has a lot of influence on us.
I can't remember how many times I was recommended to take an accounting job due to how honest I am with finance. But I didn't take all those works because the salaries were not matching.

0E-8 BEE

Ah! When it comes to tailors ehn… I am very skeptical. And depending on who recommends one to me, I decide if I’d take it or not. I’m sure he’ll make it with his skills outside. Reputation is indeed everything

0E-8 BEE

I’m sure he’ll make it with his skills outside.

Yeah he's doing well for himself.

0E-8 BEE

It's great you got to experience how incredible the designer was before he moved to another country. And it's true, a good reputation is like a valuable currency that takes one to places :)

0E-8 BEE

It's great you got to experience how incredible the designer was before he moved to another country.

It was good while it lasted.

And it's true, a good reputation is like a valuable currency that takes one to places

Indeed it does take one to places.

0E-8 BEE

Indeed good name is very important for a healthy living. Its easy to Tanisha one's image but takes a whole lot to secure that good image and it's important we do

0E-8 BEE

My brother, a simple act can just ruin years of built reputation.

0E-8 BEE

Having a good name will pave way and create a lot of opportunities for us. To see good designer sometimes can be hard, I hope that you will come across someone that will always deliver on the job.

0E-8 BEE

I hope that you will come across someone that will always deliver on the job.

I hope so too

0E-8 BEE

A good name is better than silver and gold. Good thing you were able to have a good experience with your designer before he left.

Came in from dreemport.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for stopping by.

0E-8 BEE