Conquering Adulthood: Simplicity Becomes The Ultimate Goal!

As you age, you value the small things in life instead of chasing the big ones.

The ultimate aim becomes simplicity: quality time spent with loved ones, long walks, a healthy diet, alone time, and adequate sleep.

Creating a life that is genuinely in line with your true Self, your wiring, needs, desires, life stage, values, and a sense of purpose is known as living a right-sized life. It entails speaking the truth, reflecting, challenging assumptions, and facing the facts as they are; it is not a fantasy world. We accept accountability for the things under our control and decide how to handle the rest.

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Life becomes much simpler when we stop comparing ourselves to undefined norms, mindlessly adhering to the status quo, and unquestioningly jumping through expected hoops without understanding WHY they matter to us.

The more we live an authentic life that honors the truth of who we are, works with rather than against our wiring, and permits us to live out our core values, the more joy, freedom, and mind-body and relational wholeness we get despite the most chaotic season.

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I have a lot of goals and aspirations for the future that I aim to achieve as I get older and enter employment. I have a lot on my mind that ultimately causes me to feel tense, rattled, and under pressure.

I always try to see the bigger picture while considering the things before me. I felt that everything was a battle and a race to be won. I feel unfulfilled in everything because I am thirsty for many things.

However, I discovered that simplicity brings me peace as I get older.


I am content when I am at peace and in contention. Even before my mother passed away, I began to stand on my own two feet and face the realities of life because I am the family's provider and find happiness in the little things in life.

I feel comfortable and at ease when I take care of our bills, buy food and other necessities, and prioritize taking care of myself and my savings. Everything is worthwhile as long as it brings happiness to my family and me, even in the little things. My endeavor, diligence, restless evenings, and everything.


When we base our goals and actions on our core values, we live successful and purposeful lives as responsible adults who accept responsibility for who we are. When we follow our core values, we take ownership of our story and love who we are.

As we age, simplicity becomes the ultimate goal; a deep appreciation of life's small pleasures and a deliberate simplification of the complex characterizes it. As we age, we understand that simplicity is a deep mindset that enables us to appreciate the true meaning of every moment and find contentment in the simple beauty of life rather than just a lifestyle choice.

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In an increasingly complex world, embracing simplicity as we age can be a freeing and fulfilling endeavor, providing a route to genuine satisfaction and a well-lived life.


You are doing amazing...Keep doing what you know best. Hope you meet your long-term goals. However, as you strive for better you mustn't be miserable. To achieve this, you need to be happy with where you are knowing you are doing your best. There isn't any other way around it


Yes, of course, and thank you so much ;)
I am praying that I can do all things and achieve all my goals with the best of my ability and make sure that I will never felt miserable again, but rather the happiest version of me.


To read you is to discover a growing person, congratulations because you are living in the most fullest way. The less we need, the closer we get to happiness. 😊

@sagarkothari88 vote 15%


Yes, thank you so much :)
I am hoping and praying that I'll find happiness in everything I do and everywhere I go. 😍


Happiness is inside you. Little daily details, like a fresh air, a beautiful cloud, a flower, a bird, or your reflection in the mirror! 🤗



Such a powerful post, focusing on the ways to deal with the dreaded "Adulting" HA! Now then... we require everyone to share the sources of their images/content. Please let us know how you took these awesome photographs, or what Apps/Software you have used, please. That way, we can curate your post!!



Thank you so much, and by the way, I will surely do that on my next post here, so sorry for not sharing the sources of my images, but I took it with my phone 😊 Thank you of the reminder by the way :)



You are most welcome! Easy enough to edit your posts, and add the sourcing. Conversely... if you are using the PeakD front end. You can create templates and add your favorite dividers, graphics, and sourcing... at the end! Let me show you what I mean...

Click the pencil icon to enter your editor:


Click... "Create Post":


Then... you can add your favorite dividers, banners, and any devices you use (camera/phone) then any apps/software that you use to edit!:


Now keep in mind that these are all the "things" I use! But this should help get the main idea! Once you get things how you like... It should already say "Saved". So... then click the arrow to the right... then "save as template"... like below!


I know this was long-winded. But I hope it helped!!


I'll keep this sentence: "Life is much simpler when we stop comparing ourselves with standards...".
I understood that I can no longer live for what people will say? that it is up to me to build my life. Some people think that it is not worth rectifying because it is too late, but I don't think so. As long as I have a chance in life I have a chance to rectify and move on.
I agree with you when you say that life is simple. Human beings and society have made everything complicated.
Best regards @teacherlynlyn
