Circled symbolism

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So Many Circles

When I was looking at my favorites feed on Hive today I scrolled over Qurator's post for their photo contest with the theme "Circles". And immediately it crossed my mind that in photography the perfect circular bokeh is always sought. Talking about circles, right?

Of course, you can look for the many circular objects you come across, take a drinking glass for example. This is almost always a perfect circle. But because I love bokeh in photos and because I love symbolism I thought it was time to write a blog about the symbolism behind bokeh in photography.

Although most photographers often see bokeh as a purely visual element, a way to blur the background pleasantly, for me it is a bit more nuanced. Take the photos of my four dogs that I took a few years ago, (sorry they are not recent photos). In these photos, I have used bokeh to get symbolism in the photo. Of course, this will not be immediately apparent to 99.9% of viewers, and they will only see that there is a blurred bokeh background. But for me, this bokeh tells a completely different story. It tells a story about focus, connection, and emotion.

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The Circle As A Symbol Of Infinity And Wholeness

The bokeh in the photos appears in the form of small, circles of light. Anyone who knows anything about symbolism knows that circles have been a symbol of infinity for centuries, a circle is without beginning or end. In these photos, the circles in the background represent the timeless bond between me and my dogs. The dog in the photo, the central subject, is sharp and clear in the picture, while the background seems softened and magical because of the light circles. This contrast between sharpness and blur emphasizes how the focus in my life is often on my direct bond with my beloved dogs, while the world around me is in constant motion. It also symbolizes that I have consciously chosen this, I also find it important to focus on the dogs. This symbolism can be seen in every photo with bokeh. As is well known, bokeh is used to focus attention on a subject by blurring the background. You can extend this idea throughout life. Focus on what is important, and don't let yourself be distracted by unimportant details.

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Light And Warmth

Back to the photos. The warmth of the color of the bokeh lights can also be seen as the reflection of the light and warmth that our pets bring into our lives. The reflection of the lights makes it seem as if the lights are dancing in their eyes. This not only shows playfulness, it brings 'life' to their eyes in the photos, but it also symbolizes that pets literally and figuratively light up our lives. A pet brings light, joy, warmth, and comfort in times of darkness.

Dreamy Bokeh

The bokeh circles in the background are warm and soft, but they also have a dreamy atmosphere. The boundary between reality and imagination is blurred. An atmosphere of serenity and even a bit of mysticism is created. A dream world is created. And if you have pets yourself, you are probably familiar with the effect that your pet can sometimes take you to a world between dream and reality, another world. A world in which you and your animal are together, and that 'being' alone is enough to temporarily make the worries of everyday life disappear completely into the background.

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My Vision On Circles

Perhaps Qurator had something completely different in mind with the theme "Circles" of this photo contest, it can and it may. But I decided to give my unique vision on this subject. I wanted to emphasize the symbolism of the circle and how I have used it in the past for these photos. Also, many people strive for the perfect circular bokeh in their photos but only use it for the visually pleasing effect. The symbolism behind it is forgotten. And that is such a shame. Especially when you are aware of the symbolism of the circle, you can do much more with it. Also when it comes to bokeh.

For me, these photos are not about technique, but about feeling. The circles of light symbolize the constant movement and change in my life, with the contrast of the focus on the dog. And that symbolizes the constant love and presence of my dogs ​​in my life. The fact that I focus on the dogs also means that their existence will always be and remain the center of my love and attention, just like in this compositions.

Circles are more than just circles, and bokeh is more than a blurred background.

Unfortunately, all four of these dogs have passed away, and I haven't been able to take such a picture of Skipper yet, but now I'm itching to put up the Christmas tree and take a picture of Skipper in front of the Christmas tree. Just wait until December! Skipper has been warned.

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