There is a stage in everyone’s life when they just feel like being on their own. Stay indoors, talk to no one except themselves and do things alone. There are so many reasons why we sometimes just feel like isolating ourselves and for today’s Marchinleo, we are asked to discuss “why we isolate ourselves”. I have been there before and I know of a few things personally why I would want to isolate myself.

In life, we are faced with so many challenges and problems that sometimes we feel really frustrated that we just want to shut the world out. Our past experiences is one good reason why we sometimes feel like isolating ourselves. Just imagine someone who has had the experience of being robbed at home due to the fact that he or she always opens their door. After that incident, you will find out that the person will be more reserved because of the fear of what has happened to them in the past.

The fear of losing a loved one is also a very common reason why people isolate themselves. Especially if that person was the only person they mostly enjoyed talking with and sharing their problems with. Losing such a person from one’s life will only make them want to withdraw themselves and not wanting to even having anything to do with anyone because they are scared that if they get too close to someone else, the person might also leave them and they are not ready to face another heartbreak.

Another reason why we isolate ourselves is due to lack of belief in ourselves. We are always feeling like we have little or nothing to offer so it’s best to just stay in our own space. It happens to me sometimes, I prefer to stay in my comfort zone just to avoid others finding out the areas I’m not too good at. When I know my strength and weaknesses, this can make me want to isolate myself for those things I’m not so good at.

Another reason why we isolate ourselves is due to relocation to a new environment. For me, it takes me a very long time to start associating with people in a new place because I don’t want to get into any misunderstandings with anyone and I don’t want anyone to offend me too. I just prefer to mind my business as long as I can. I mean, it’s a new environment, it’s only right to study the way of life of the people there before showing them who you are so you won’t get yourself in trouble.

And besides that, some people are naturally introverted. They just enjoy their own company and don’t want anyone coming to rob them of it. They prefer to always be at the background than being the spotlight of the day. This is a natural reason why some people isolate themselves but it is something that can be worked on over time. Also, we isolate ourselves because we need some time to relax and recharge. After a long time of being busy and engaged in some activities, it gets to that point when we just want an alone time for ourselves to recuperate. This is one of the reasons why we most times go on vacations and holidays so we can get some time to recharge for the stress that is ahead.

These are some of the reasons why we isolate ourselves but personally, I isolate myself when I need to relax and recharge. But then, I have isolated myself for all of the above reasons and more that I didn’t even mention. Sometimes, it’s actually best to isolate yourself in some situations you find yourself because if you keep pushing yourself, you might find it even harder to recover but you should also know when to start associating with others or else you might end up feeling lonely and before you know it, you will become depressed.

This is my personal take on “why we isolate ourselves”. Thanks for reading through. ❤️

Images used are mine

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0.24114796 BEE

Well said 👏
I like to be alone when I'm bored with the whole world. Sometimes, even after trying my best, when I can't be good to them, I feel empty. I wish I could get lost somewhere alone, where there would be no one but me.

0.00000000 BEE

It’s sad when people put their trust in us and we disappoint them. That indeed can make one want to just be alone.

Thanks for sharing your take with me, Hassan. 🥰

0.00000000 BEE

I agree with you, and sometimes I also isolate myself when I want to think and meditate or when I want alone time with God.

Sometimes isolation is not really a bad thing, it's only bad when the person is having maybe mental health issues like depression and co.

0.00000000 BEE

That’s right. Isolation is needed at different points in our lives and like you said, it’s only a problem when we isolate ourselves due to mental issues and depression.

Thanks for your contribution. 🥰

0.00000000 BEE

Welcome 🤗

0.00000000 BEE

The reasons for isolation is uncountable.
Like you just hard a way to help someone achieve certain things but the didn't really appreciate you or that help you have rendered properly,

I think it's time to isolate from such people then take your time to watch out to know why you're not properly appropriated. I monitor people's reaction often. It makes me to isolate quickly.

0.00000000 BEE

That’s right. We isolate ourselves to study the behavior of those around us to know exactly how to act around them.
Thanks for your comment, Ma. 🥰

0.00000000 BEE

You are welcome 🤗

0.00000000 BEE

We isolate ourselves for a lot of reasons but most importantly for me, it's to reflect more on what has happened and find a way forward. Nicely written Hope, well done.

0.00000000 BEE

Yeah, that’s one good reason to isolate oneself.

Thanks for reading and leaving a comment, Ma. 🥰

0.00000000 BEE

You are welcome baby 😘

0.00000000 BEE