Undertsanding potato farming

Honestly I had no idea what I was doing when I planted potatoes in these 2 freed up beds after I picked garlic this summer. Deer decimated the leaves and then the first frost came so I decided to dig them up. I got 18 quarts of potatoes! They are chilling in the garage waiting to be eaten. I will definitely grow potatoes again....

Infact this week would be a week to eat potatoes throughout , not eating any other food again..lol...my stomach will be filled with only potatoes..lol..* just kidding...

But hey seriously I am amazed and surprised with the results I got..

I think sometimes in life , we get the best results concerning some certain things when we least expected.. I think that is what is happening to me right now..

Well I have decided to seek knowledge and learn more about potato farming and I intend to take it to on a large scale when I go into it fully by next year...Next year is going to be more interesting as I plan to give more attention to agriculture and I am optimistic that the results will keep getting better and better , there would be challenges but I am confident that things will get better..

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