Win SECRET tokens and TIPS // The legend tells it's secrets N°113

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@anonyvoter @khantaimur

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@anonyvoter @khantaimur @servelle @itharagaian @manuvert @hivecurious @thedoc07

Avec une détermination renouvelée, tu observes les deux chemins devant toi. Chacun porte une promesse distincte et un risque inévitable. Le chemin doré, avec sa douceur et sa tranquillité, semble offrir la paix et la rédemption, mais peut-être au prix de la confrontation des luttes passées. Le chemin obscur, bien que large et résonnant des murmures de tes peurs, pourrait offrir une compréhension plus profonde de toi-même, mais à quel prix?

Tu te souviens de tes propres motivations, des raisons pour lesquelles tu as défié les lois des vivants et des morts. Tu te rappelles des moments où la lumière t'a guidé et où les ténèbres ont tenté de te dévorer. Ces souvenirs, aussi douloureux qu’ils soient, ont forgé ton caractère et ta destinée.

À mesure que tu t'avances sur le chemin que tu as choisi, les illusions de la lumière et de l’obscurité se dissipent. Tu réalises que ce n’est pas seulement une question de rédemption ou de damnation, mais de l’intégrité avec laquelle tu affrontes tes propres contradictions.

Si tu choisis le chemin doré, une chaleur apaisante t'enveloppe, et chaque pas que tu fais semble allèger le poids des actions passées. La lumière éclaire tes souvenirs d'une clarté nouvelle, t’offrant une perspective de réconciliation avec toi-même et le monde. Une paix durable commence à émerger.

Si tu choisis le chemin obscur, les murmures deviennent plus clairs, se transformant en une compréhension profonde de tes propres ténèbres. Chaque écho est une leçon, chaque peur affrontée une victoire personnelle. L’obscurité ne t’engloutit pas, mais devient une source de sagesse et de force intérieure.

Ainsi, le tribunal céleste s'efface lentement, laissant place à la révélation finale. Peu importe le chemin que tu as emprunté, tu es désormais prêt à embrasser le futur avec une connaissance plus profonde de toi-même et des mystères que tu as affrontés.

With renewed determination, you gaze at the two paths before you. Each holds a distinct promise and an inevitable risk. The golden path, with its softness and tranquility, seems to offer peace and redemption, but perhaps at the cost of confronting past struggles. The dark path, though broad and resonating with whispers of your fears, might offer a deeper understanding of yourself, but at what price?

You recall your own motivations, the reasons you defied the laws of the living and the dead. You remember the moments when light guided you and when darkness tried to consume you. These memories, as painful as they are, have shaped your character and destiny.

As you advance on the path you have chosen, the illusions of light and darkness dissipate. You realize that it is not just a matter of redemption or damnation, but of the integrity with which you face your own contradictions.

If you choose the golden path, a soothing warmth envelops you, and each step you take seems to lighten the weight of past actions. The light illuminates your memories with a new clarity, offering a perspective of reconciliation with yourself and the world. A lasting peace begins to emerge.

If you choose the dark path, the whispers become clearer, transforming into a profound understanding of your own darkness. Each echo is a lesson, each fear faced a personal victory. The darkness does not engulf you, but becomes a source of wisdom and inner strength.

Thus, the celestial tribunal slowly fades away, making way for the final revelation. No matter which path you have taken, you are now ready to embrace the future with a deeper knowledge of yourself and the mysteries you have faced.

4.43138548 BEE


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0.39163005 BEE

What’s blue and and smells like red paint?
Blue paint

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0.00002111 BEE


0.00012777 BEE

Seagulls were God's third attempt at creating birds.
The A-gull and B-gull weren't quite right.

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@token-thx, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gestion.alive

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

How do construction workers party?
They raise the roof.

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@token-thx, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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0E-8 BEE

@token-thx! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@benefice-net thinks your content is the shit.
They have 10/10 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

If you ever get the chance to go to India
You have to try their New Delhi

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@token-thx, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0E-8 BEE

@token-thx! @benefice-net Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @benefice-net.

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0E-8 BEE

@vote-com! @servelle likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @servelle. (3/5)

0.00002376 BEE

Happy weekend. Great progress in the journey.

0.00002328 BEE


0.00012023 BEE

What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?

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@khantaimur, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gestion.alive

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

What do you call an elepant who is the head of an Italian gang?
A masta-Don.

Credit: deanlogic
@khantaimur, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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0E-8 BEE

@khantaimur! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@benefice-net thinks your content is the shit.
They have 3/10 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

A taxi driver was getting flirty with a woman in a bar.
At the end of the night he took her back to her place.

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@khantaimur, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0E-8 BEE

@khantaimur! @benefice-net Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @benefice-net.

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0E-8 BEE

Merci pour le SECRET, j'en ai revendu encore quelques uns d'ailleurs.
Bonne fin de semaine!

0.00002291 BEE

I threw a boomarang a few years ago that never came back.
I now live in constant fear.

Credit: bulldog-joy
@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of manuvert

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0.00001988 BEE


0.00012269 BEE

I called the Tinitutus Helpline.
It didn't stop ringing.

Credit: reddit
@manuvert, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gestion.alive

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I watched a documentary on Marijuana last night…
…that’s probably how I’ll watch all documentaries from now on.

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@manuvert, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com



0E-8 BEE

@manuvert! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@benefice-net thinks your content is the shit.
They have 2/10 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

@manuvert! @benefice-net Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @benefice-net.

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0E-8 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
vote-com tipped servelle
benefice-net tipped itharagaian
vote-com tipped itharagaian
benefice-net tipped manuvert
vote-com tipped manuvert
benefice-net tipped khantaimur
@benefice-net(10/10) tipped @token-thx
vote-com tipped khantaimur
vote-com tipped token-thx
benefice-net tipped vote-com
manuvert tipped vote-com
benefice-net tipped servelle
itharagaian tipped vote-com

0.00002246 BEE

Bien vue la fin

0.00002191 BEE

Why did the melon have to get married in a church?
Because it cantelope.

Credit: reddit
@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

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0.00002062 BEE


0.00011782 BEE

I know my wife loves it when I tickle her
She laughs while I'm tickling and is angry at me when I stop.

Credit: reddit
@servelle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gestion.alive

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

How does an IT guy make a Motherboard?
He tells her about his job.

Credit: marshmellowman
@servelle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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0E-8 BEE

@servelle! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@benefice-net thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/10 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

I don't want my wife any longer.
Her height is perfect.

Credit: reddit
@servelle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0E-8 BEE

@servelle! @benefice-net Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @benefice-net.

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0E-8 BEE


0.00002036 BEE

Hey @vote-com, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

0.00001955 BEE

@servelle, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (3/4) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @vote-com gets !PIMP from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@itharagaian thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/80 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

Why are vacuums always so tough?
Because they know how to suck it up.

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@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of itharagaian

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Did you hear about the Irish guy who was assassinated at the antique store?
It was a knick knack paddy whack.

Credit: playbyhive
@itharagaian, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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0E-8 BEE

@itharagaian! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@benefice-net thinks your content is the shit.
They have 4/10 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

My Uncle used to work in a circus as a human cannonball.
They eventually fired him.

Credit: reddit
@itharagaian, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0E-8 BEE

@itharagaian! @benefice-net Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @benefice-net.

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0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@benefice-net thinks your content is the shit.
They have 5/10 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0E-8 BEE

If it wasn't for window blinds...
It'd be curtains for all us.

Credit: reddit
@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

0E-8 BEE

@vote-com! @benefice-net Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @benefice-net.

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0E-8 BEE