Are you a man of your words or others decides for you

We live in a world where everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but in the aspect of you making decisions matters a lot because not everyone can handle things themselves, rather they take other people's idea or decision and don't have the courage to do it themselves.

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"Are you a man of your words" can go a long way in different aspect because the aspect of you rendering promise to do something and not fullfil it is another aspect where one fail by not actually delivering what is been promised with actions not performed.

In our daily lives, it is always necessary to make decisions in other to make choices for our future and things ahead of us. Making decisions like I said earlier can come in different forms, for instance whether it's about where you will be living next year or how you'll spend your money or income, making these tough decisions is something that is bound to happen to us but how we all handle ours is different.

Before engaging yourself in making a big decision, though, there are few things that should be considered.

We human behaves differently, some people are indecisive which is a quality that some may not be proud of, and such people throughly exists regardless of who they are. Such people find it hard to make decision by trying to be more assertive in life by not asking others for advice before choosing to do something or vice versa.

The reason for this to occur is that such people mind is divided into two whether the step of making decisions towards something is right or wrong, and to them is a very scary thing to do. With such scenario the mind is always diverted to the negative part where such question would be ask that what happens if I make the wrong decision?

There are ways to Eradicate the fear of making decisions and also won't bother to seek the help of others and with such idea it need to be put in practice so as to develop act of loving and trusting your own decision.

Steps to derive that habit of decision making

1. Know what you want

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Every human always have a goal that wants to or needs to be accomplished and this can be done by knowing what your goals are or dreams that needs to be set. The aspect of knowing what you want or goals that need to be achieved in your life, it will definitely derive you to be able to make better choices.

If such people aren't self-reflective, they are likely going to end up making bad decisions because they don't really know what they want in the first place and Such habit need to be eradicated to make right decision.

2. Develop act of asking for advice, But let your own choice be final

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This type of decision making really need to be look into before making decisions because this one can be hard to follow and needs the right decision to embark on. In such scenario always let this words come to mind before making decisions.

No one is living your life except you, Whether it's requires decision about your relationship, your job, or any other thing that concerns you, every decision you will make includes one thing in common: No one will understand you except yourself so it's never a bad idea to ask for an outsider's point of view in what problem or issue your going through.

An outsider's perspectives help you weigh your options but remember advice is just advice, it's a way to seek idea on how to solve your issue or situation but left to you to decide.

3. Put yourself to the right path

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Nobody knows you better than yourself whether you believe it or not. Sometimes, you ignore what your mind is telling you because you don't want to face the reality of the decision you have to make whether is positive or negative.

There are times when you are confronted with some difficult decisions or situations, it is important to be "clearheaded" and follow your decision-making process. In the aspect of making a tough decision, write down everything that you are thinking that needs to be solved and why you think, you're feeling the way you do to solve it.

Deriving or engaging yourself in this habit, Once you have an internal dialogue with yourself to battle it out, the solution to it may start to unfold and everything may seem clear to handle such situations.

4. Always be in right position or state when making decisions

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The aspect of making wrong or poor decision may occur easily especially when such person is in a bad mood like been hungry, sleepy, or stressed out, so making such decisions in such mood won't be helping matters at all.

However, when it comes to life-changing of making a better decisions, try to make sure you're feeling comfortable or in a good state of mind before you decide what your next move is going be in making the decision.

5. Develop act to trust yourself

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The people who find it hard to make decisions are afraid to trust themselves. The truth about the whole scenario is that the person you need to trust first is yourself. Being kind to yourself increases self-confidence and courage for approval.

The act of loving and caring for yourself not only increases self-trust but also develop confidence to trust oneself and also makes one feel better about making big decisions in the future.

I believe with this ideas you may be able to make better decisions in your life.

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