Tax reducing combined nfts


About dCity

dCity is a mathematical and trading game based on non-fungible tokens available on Hive-Engine. Players build their own cities with tokens representing buildings, citizens, and technologies, and earn income in the form of HIVE (based on ranking) and SIM tokens (based on city income). There are also cards that players can get only from playing the game, such as technologies, backgrounds, and prevention cards.


Taxes rework continuation

Law Corporation changes

After quick governance vote on discord we decided to decrease tax reduction on Law Corporation to 4%.

New Combined Building:

Large University Campus

Cards Required:

  • 8x University Campus
  • 3x Professor
  • 3x Teacher
  • 1x Power Distributor
  • 1x Police Station
  • 1x Job Center
  • 1x Church
  • 1x Energy Reload
  • 1x Art Museum
  • 1x Fire Department
  • 1x Barber Shop
  • 1x Basic Accounting
  • 1x Advanced Training
  • 1x Construction Site
  • 1x Bag of SIM


  • Income: -200
  • Popularity: 200
  • Education: 600
  • Required Workers: 2000
  • Tax Refund: 120
  • Decrease Tax by 2%

Tax reducing cards:

Only one building of each type decrease taxes for city, and all Tax Collectors.
Cards decreasing taxes:

  • Law Firm: 1%
  • Large Garbage Dump: 2%
  • Large Graveyard: 2%
  • Large University Campus: 2%
  • Law Corporation: 4%
  • Tax Collector: 0.2%


All loaded nfts are back in players hands. Most of them are old citizens, some of them are already dead, but option for combining bones is back. Also remember about experiments on citizens, this way players can add tax refund to citizens from previous dcity age.

Incoming Changes

In the near future, we are considering new developments to the game, and SIM BOX collection drop.

  • Student claim for Communal Housing, Luxury Street, Migration Center
  • Education, mining technologies rework
  • SIM BOX NFTs collection drop for SIM Club members, including:
    1. 1300 Chaos Legion packs
    2. $2000-$4000 in Splinterlands cards
    3. Small dCity collection
0.37290322 BEE

It's tweaking time! Thanks for the update.

0E-8 BEE

a welcome change.. this is going to observe a lot of cards and at the same time reduce tax to bring in extra SIM to the dcities..cheers

0E-8 BEE

I really need to look at my city and optimise things now!

0E-8 BEE

Does exist any official discord server?

0E-8 BEE

@scriptioner rules!

Nice changes and nice to see some action :D

0E-8 BEE