In the Midst of Chaos: We Need More Awareness
Hello friends, how are you? All pollution is bad, whether it's organic waste pollution, noise pollution or even air or water pollution. Without a doubt, any of these problems…
Hello friends, how are you? All pollution is bad, whether it's organic waste pollution, noise pollution or even air or water pollution. Without a doubt, any of these problems…
Image is mine I recently went to stay over at my aunt's place. Since I got there, there hasn't been much pollution, like noise pollution from generators or clubs or even…
We live in a more advanced world where almost all our basic activities have been made easier with the invention of new technologies, gone are the days when humans had to involve…
EN Banner created in canva Environmental pollution is one of the biggest challenges facing the world…
Our world is threatened by a silent killer called pollution; it's quite disturbing to see how we go about our daily lives without noticing the damages pollution is causing, from…
I have always questioned myself at times about why and how I found myself in this country, Nigeria. I am grateful to be a citizen of the country and also to have come from a good…
I live in a country where pollution is inevitable; it is impossible to stop it or not to have it because the moment you raise an alarm or create awareness about pollution, people…
The air around here is never fair, its always thick, noisy and suffocating, that’s the reality here. I can’t even lie, pollution here in my area has gotten way out of hand. It…
Pollution is something that takes various forms and in my region, the environment is quite clean both the land and the air but the noise is my major concern. Noise pollution is…
*Nature will blossom and wildlife will rejoice if humans become extinct cos we are the ones polluting the earth, if you check out areas with fewer humans, you will see how…
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