Giraffe on Australian Coin
It is not forbidden or commanded what image can or may be on investment coins. So the Royal Australian Mint can put virtually anything on it. Still, the giraffe surprised me.…
It is not forbidden or commanded what image can or may be on investment coins. So the Royal Australian Mint can put virtually anything on it. Still, the giraffe surprised me.…
Jako většinou, sledoval jsem jednou činností vícero cílů. Já to tak prostě mám. Bylo to včera, v sobotu. Předně jsem chtěl vytáhnozt @kraki -ho ven, aby se prošel. On toho má na…
Most of the time these "battle reports" are about successes. Yet failure is just as instructive. Or even more instructive. I'm going to write about failure today. Which I'm going…
zblízka i zdáli činí úžasný dojem. Na kopečku vypíná se koule kulatá, naproti má filiálku firma Hulata. Tahle koule se stačila během doby své existence dostat i do…
||| |------------|------------| Half a century ago, winters used to be harsher. At least that's how I remember it. Half a metre of snow in Prague, the capital of the Czech…
I play. Some people have better cards than me and play better than me. Other people have worse cards than me and play worse than me. Other people have better cards than me and…
Myslím, že většina českého rybníčku četla poslední @valggav -ův článek. Pokud ho někdo nemáte na ignorelistu, to já nevím. Nechci být k autorovi zlý. Ale jeho text mi cosi…
Já jsem sice učitel, ale češtiny a dějepisu. Technické návody ... No, zkusím to. Píšu hlavně pro @shandalar . Respektive pro @bindrs ... No, já v tom mám taky trochu hokej, ve…
We all know what a New Year's resolution is. Even if we come from any cultural background. Sometime around Christmas, I spread a few coins across my desk and got to thinking. We…
I'm still in the game. I have weak cards. That's why I'm not winning very well. Because I'm not winning, I'm not getting better cards. It's kind of stuck. I can't help but hope…
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