Night Teeth
May I say that this is the worst film to be talking about at this point in time, but what’s better than a little bloody movie (quite literally) to spice things up? I’d seen this…
May I say that this is the worst film to be talking about at this point in time, but what’s better than a little bloody movie (quite literally) to spice things up? I’d seen this…
Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip Tatínek koupí Pepíčkovi hračku a říká: "Tak Pepíčku, jak se říká?" Pepíček odpoví: "Netuším" Tatínek řekne: "Vzpomeň si, co mi říká…
Dobrý večer s Actifitem. Úplně zdravý ještě nejsem, ale už jsem se vrátil do pracovního procesu. Zkoušel jsem fotit nějakou vánoční výzdobu. _This report was published via…
Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip Na mořskou pláž vyleze z vody potápěč a nese v náručí obrovskou perlu. „Kde jste to vzal?“ diví se lidé na pláži. „Tam dole na dně je…
Yet another movie from TikTok. Last week I was scrolling through TikTok when chanced a scene of a movie called…
Dobrý večer s Actifitem. Ty nemoci jsou nějaké jiné. Nebo jsem jiný já ... Pořád mi ještě není dobře. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android |…
The Continental – The Assassin’s Hotel in the John Wick Universe. An epic cinematic story worth watching. **The John Wick cinematic universe continues to evolve and surprise…
Chinese films always have their own unique character and Shadow is an excellent example of the power of this cinema Directed by the genius Zhang Yimou in 2018 this film is not…
Contest by CineTv: If you love old movies like me Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds is literally a buried gem that you shouldnt miss This movie was released in 1963 but to this day…
Rust Creek is a 2018 thriller film, characterized by its adventurous and tense atmosphere. The film tells the story of Sawyer (Hermione Corfield), an ambitious college student…
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