Hive is slowly and steadily gaining worth

Hello lovely people of Hive and Leofinance community. Hopefully you will be enjoying your life with good health and spirit. Friends, it is good to see that Hive is slowly and steadily gaining worth. In last 24 hours, Hive coins observed 3% rise in worth. Interestingly 3% gain observed at a time when global crypto market is 0.3% down.


Hive was trading around $0.259 at the start of 2023 and currently Hive is trading around $0.313. Almost Hive observed 20% gain current year. Despite this gain, Hive is still more than 90% down from its all time high worth of $3.42. Coin is one of the undervalued coins according to its potential. Hive is a home land of famous card game Splinterland, leofinance, 3speak and many other great project. Hive at current price is a still good buying opportunity. Hive has huge potential to bounce back.

Recent slow and steady rise in Hive worth is a good sign for project. It will definitely attract investors on Hive. One thing which is missing on this blockchain is lack of promotion. Hive deserve more promotion to bring masses here on this amazing community. Zealy campaign is a good move to promote Hive Blockchain.

We need such promotions on regular basis to place Hive at a position it deserves. Hive is currently at 155th place in market cap. It deserves to be placed in top 100 crypto currency. What is your opinion my friends?

This is it for my today post. Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.


I hope, in next two month $hive reaches upto 40 cents, and keep making the bull run.

This would improve the market cap position and active trades, thus adding more values to the chain.

I do wish the same as per opinion that Hive includes in top 100 list, if it does - that would be a good news. 👍


For the past week we have seen it trying to stabilize itself above 30 cents and it is succeeding. If it goes above 32 and a half cents and holds for a while, then we will see it go to 35 cents.


Even though we see hive is far lower than its all time high however this is a big opportunity to accumulate.
When the hive value is up far to many people get in for a quick profit.
So this is the time to accumulate as much HP as possible and prepare for the bull season.


Gradually the hive project is making its mark in the blockchain world
