I Am Alive andThriving: Actifit Report Card: July 22 2023 busy and unsatisfied


Don't mistake movement for achievement. It's easy to get faked out by being busy. The question is: Busy doing what?” — Jim Rohn

I thought I was a ‘being busy’ adict but got reminded today that I am not.

Oh I did so much, from dance aerobics workout which was fun by the way to taking the second reading at a wedding mass of two strangers who by the way I was smiling sheepishly at as I love weddings and all the good it entails. The beauty in watching two lovebirds say I do and be so into it.

I tried watching a movie that was so boring I ditched it to have a nap. For me to do that it must be so boring, cus I love movies.
Then I discovered I won at the @ecency-star competition

After my alarm woke me I was out for the the bored of lectors meeting where we read out the mass readings for the week and make corrections on diction, pronunciation, delivery and the likes.

I got home and stalled on the things I need to get done that will give me the satisfaction I seek by watching a Netflix’s series that got me hooked and distracted for some time. ‘Reality dot come’ I will face my demons and get the work done unfailingly🤞🏽 this night.
I am grateful nonetheless and honored to be here💕

I am alive and thriving. Hope you are too?

Today's post is part of my daily participation in the #Iamalivechallenge

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And celebrate being #alive

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always! We are not promised tomorrow

~Whitney Alexander; a lover of God, life and knowledge; an accountant, a fashion designer, a part-time foodie, a resplendent tutor and a blogger/writer/storyteller in the hive family and loving every bit of it. Thanks for stopping by. Your comments and inputs are very much welcomed. xoxo~

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Aerobics,Walking


The beauty in watching two lovebirds say I do and be so into it.

Oh !LUV this is the story of my life, you are even going too far I can watch a proposal video more than 10 times and each time I watch I would also be smiling sheepishly.


We are on the same boat then with heads in the clouds.🥰😅
It's lovely to know that dear. Hope the weekend treats you well.💕


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