The Significance of A Soundtrack Movie & My Favorite

Every movie that I've watched, there are lots of movie soundtracks that they use for their scenes and they have some most iconic soundtrack that we may never forget. When people hear that specific soundtrack, it may remind them of a movie that they've watched before. I'm not fond of listening to movie soundtracks because I only focuses on the story and the plot of the movie but there are other movies that I didn't forget because it's one of their iconic movie.


What is your favorite movie Soundtrack?

One of my best and favorite movie soundtrack is from an old movie called Fast and Furious 7 and that is "See You Again". This soundtrack is really awesome and it is a tribute of one of their members of the movie and a renowned actor who passed away while driving and that is Paul Walker. Every time I hear this song, it reminds me of this movie and it also saddens me about the incident of Paul Walker. This soundtrack not only represents the movie itself but also a tribute to the late Paul Walker.


Every time I watch the last scene of the Fast and Furious 7 where Jason Statham and Cody Walker (double of Paul Walker) bid goodbyes to each other while driving in different path, my tears were flowing out of nowhere maybe because we cannot see Paul Walker again on the next movie of Fast and Furious and this is one of my best and my most favorite movie of all time. They race cars and they do that for fun or they do that to get some reputations and bet their lives on the race.


There are also soundtracks that I also love to hear but in an anime soundtrack but most or all of these soundtracks are Japanese and even if it is Japanese I can recall on what kind of anime it was because of the soundtrack and let's talk about this on a different blog because our focus is soundtrack about movies.


What's the importance of a music soundtrack?

People tend to ignore music soundtracks in a movie because most of them were not interested or didn't realize on it but it plays a vital role so that the movie will be great and it is needed to for it blend the correct soundtrack for their movie. Producers of the movie thinks of the best soundtrack for them and it's not like a "don't worry about the soundtrack" but it represents the movie where people can and will remember if they hear the soundtrack or the music.

Each movie has different kinds of soundtracks that they put. Just like romance movies, most of the romance movies have their soundtrack similar to romance and we don't usually hear a romance movies but the soundtrack is horror or even rock because that will ruin the entire movie.



I've had lots of albums that I put on my phone before because I like to hear it every day and most of the albums that I put and compiled were from the movies or anime that I've watched. Before, I only download these music soundtrack into the computer and save it to put it into my phone.

Soundtrack music from over 2010's was far more awesome to hear than the music now but I am looking forward to these new soundtracks of the today's music because I think that I am stuck in a music from 2010 up until 2020.

I think soundtrack music was a way to freshen up the mood in oneself and to make ourselves at ease. Listening to them makes us feel good about it just like me, I listen to soundtracks music whenever I feel like it and I like to hear them every time that I had something in my mind.

Thanks to Inleo for this initiative to participate for the #juneinleo daily prompt of the month of June.

Note: The first photo was edited by myself using Canva




Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Deadpool part 1 soundtrack was bomb! !PIZZA


"See You Again" is indeed a powerful and emotional soundtrack, especially with its connection to Paul Walker. It's understandable how it holds such significance for you.


Yes, it's really one of the iconic song that I've listen for a long time.


See you Again !!, I remember I was in my High school when this song came out and the movie also. Everyone was tending to the news then.

We felt really bad for Paul walker
, even though we don’t really know him.


Lots of people were giving condolences to the family of Paul Walker. I felt bad for Paul because he is one of the main character in fast and furious.


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