Hive Music Festival / Week 128 Round 2/ @encuentro / EL PAPA DE LOS HELADOS🍦Franklin Martínez / (Es
▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hive Music Festival / Week 128 Round 2/ @encuentro /…
Music lover, business minded and love to travel
▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hive Music Festival / Week 128 Round 2/ @encuentro /…
$ Last year, we announced $GIFU, and thanks to the team who have been working tirelessly towards it, GIFU has seen its first ATH and is still rising. Even when the charts went…
Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in…
I have little doubt many of you are familiar with the saying "what goes up, must come down". After spending…
image As for me, I never for once liked abortion. Abortion is an act of putting an ends to the…
image When it come to making friends, I always see myself as the odd one, I do view it as…
I've met a lot of ladies in my life, and I decided to settle down with my wife because of her attributes. When I say attributes, I don't mean the physical attributes, but what…
image Happiness is the most important things in life.…
image Whenever I wake up in the morning, tolerance at my work place…