How I envision myself in the future


Way back when I was still a student, I envision myself that I am working in an office or in a big company that there were lots of other employees that were also working. I also envisioned that I will be working away from home because there were only a few work opportunities for people here in my hometown.

Today, it was different because I am working now at home and I am here staying at my beautiful place of my hometown but I am thankful that I am working here because I found my other half and we have now one daughter. There were lots of expectations from when I was a student than didn't happened today and I am still thankful about the things that happened in my life.

Today, I will envision again of myself on what is my goal, what will I be, and other stuffs because when I was a little, I don't have any other goals than to graduate myself from college. I realize that envisioning myself in the future gives me motivation and perseverance for that achievement. I know that it will be challenging for myself but I will do my best to meet the expectation in the future.

What is my goal in the future?

Before, I didn't have any goals in mind because I just flow with the time and I want a normal and a happy life but today, I have set my goal for the future because if I don't have any goal in my mind, my time will be wasted and regrets that I will think in the future.

One of my goal is in the future is to have a happy life with a happy family that every day for us have joys and smiles that I see in my family with no other things that we don't worry about. Also, giving my family a new house is another set of a goal for myself because we are still living in my parents house which I think is not for a long term but for a short term. I know that my mother don't like us to live in another house and in another city because she wants us to live in their house.

What will I be in the future?

For me, I think I will continue on working from home because that's what I like and I don't stress over other work and only focuses on the work that I have and also to take care of my small and little family. It's more fun if I work and there is my little family besides me and supports me anytime.

I will be the same as today in the future but if there are some opportunities that will give me lots of benefit, I would love to grab it and to try it because I also want to explore new things and experience them because getting excited for something to explore and to experience is great.

What are your other goals in the future?

My other goals in the future is to invest in Crypto because I regretted that I didn't invest more in crypto and at that time, the prices of these crypto were more cheaper than today. I invested the wrong crypto at that time which is AXIE infinity, I invested more than 50,000php including my friends and families investment. So, I am starting to invest in HIVE token because I have high hopes for this token to have a bull run but I think the price for this token will not get more than $5.

If the price of the Hive will be more than 1USD per token, I'll cash out some hive and start having a business or to buy something that would benefit me. This is the only crypto that I am interested and I invested some of my pocket money for this token.

I started my goal for the HIVE Power for about 5,000 this year and I also have a goal in my mind to get 50,000 hive power 10 years from now. I know getting this 50,000 Hive Power is almost impossible but I will try my best to get into this goal in the future. Also, I will not forget about LEO tokens that I think it will surpassed Hive value in the future and currently I have a goal of 1,000 Leo power but I am looking forward to get 100,000 Leo power in the future.


This is my Entry of the Inleo Monthly prompt for #juneinleo. Here is the link for this day of Monthly prompt

Note: The photos were edited by myself using Canva




Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Sabi nga ng MILO, "Great things start from small beginnings." ☕️


i thought you like many babies my dear?


you nailed everything, i wish to become pharmacist but ends up studying public health.


Getting there bro. All the best👍
