Yours (Poetry)



You say this again and again
I don't come
I don't meet
'When will you come, when will you come'
Say dear, come and come
After abandoning mother and father
Leaving from home

My resolve is to become yours
Drink poison in your love
Have to bear snake
And you have to laugh in your name.
I am in my birth
I want to get you my friend

I say my mind
We will definitely meet
To the thirsty soul of birth
One has to wait.
Spread far and wide
This fire is spreading
Red, yellow, light

Tilt the head and Help
Meet each other
What whispers in the ears,
Looks like
Like you tell me about me.
Leaving from home

My resolve is to become yours
And you have to laugh in your name.
I say my mind
We will definitely meet
To the thirsty soul of birth
One has to wait

Spread far and wide
Meet each other
What whispers in the ears,
Looks like
Like you tell me about me.
You used to live already
That two moon has grown today
Both pure, both beautiful
Both my life!
