Truth (Poetry)



Wind now
Don't want to live with wind
Sun wants to bloom
Want to rain water
I want to melt ice

Sunlight now
Don't want to be sunny
Want to fly wind
By abandoning the state of heat
Want to shower coolness

Cloud now
Wants to leave roar
Want to stop the virtue of rain
Giving is constantly being dismissed by its nature
More these days are getting adept at taking the action

Earth now
Is in the role of decision
She does not believe in keeping her alive
Cloud has any contribution
He has his own struggle to make it

Animals and birds now
Want freedom from your form
Humans want to be these days
From animals to weeds
Want to renounce the pre -situation and become new

I Self
I do not want to live 'I'
We and you have a desire for change
Those who are not able to happen
Those who are not able to do are trying to be
This is also a time of its kind
