

Whatever was there under the shadow of time has faded away
Today I suddenly remembered you
Thinking about the past days, I am scared!
Time is so clever, it has started to cheat me again!

Look, today the clouds have covered my eyes again
Today I suddenly remembered you
What should I say to you,
this is a new era!
Where you were yesterday,
today there is someone else!

Let my mind be like before
Tell my friend something like this today
Let the tears of my eyes stop
Let the flow of my heart stop
Let you shower the nectar of love like this
If you are not with me then why should I feel sad.
Let my mind be like before.

Let the pain of my heart disappear
Let your sight awaken my hope
Whenever I remember you
The lamp of my mind lights up on its own
Come and sit near me
Stitch the stars in my lap
Let the flower branch bend down
And the wind combs my hair again
Let us meet like we were

Today I suddenly remembered you
How can I put the unsaid things into words!
How can I get what is not even in my dreams!
How close we have come,
Even after begin so afar
I have also liked these sorrows in life
Today I suddenly remembered you

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day ☺️🙏. @vikbuddy

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