Out on the streets for a global Christmas event rally(Convoy,rally,dancing, communication skills,distribution) ||Keresimesi '21#{See Pictures}


Hivers how are you today,hope you're doing great,won't take too much of your time as i would go straight to the point.

These are actually pictures from yesterday's rally,after the Sunday service which was really really awesome by the way,we went home to freshen up,have something to eat and drink,after which we all gathered in church by 4pm to start the rally.

We had been told before Sunday that there will be rally,in fact there was a rally on Saturday evening around 4 o'clock too,however yesterday's rally was in different locations,not the same as the locations we touched on Sunday.

We prayed and set out in a convoy....know what a convoy is??....Okay,a convoy is like a fleet of vehicles following each other,just picture a chain or picture the president passing through your street,it definitely cannot be that you'll see only one car.

Each car was like a team,the driver being the team captain,the team had to work and walk together so that we can all leave at the same time,we had security men behind us too,just in case any driver wants to de-convoy us or anyone wants to harass us(didn't happen anyway)


In the convoy,there were close to 10 cars(sorry i didn't count),and there was a truck which carried speakers to play music,call people's attention and make them curious(a very good marketing strategy by the way)

So what was the purpose of all these,we were gathering in mass and distributing hand bills of a Christmas event that my church holds every year, we couldn't hold last year because of the covid'19 pandemic.

We went to more than 5 locations,we would all stop and park at the same time and start distributing fliers at the location and then we move to the next,it was really fun,we danced,laughed...it was like doing the right thing and having fun while doing it.

Sharing fliers sometimes requires communication skills,ability to express oneself and the most important one;A big and welcoming smile


But of course it has it's perks,first one is the fact that you might meet very annoying individuals who would say different sorts of things to you,the second is that your feet and shoes will get very dusty,lol....

Thirdly you'll get very thisty,we were actually provided with water though so it was really fun.

So water can solve half of those problems,you can't spill water over someone because they said something nssty,lmao....but you can wash your feet with water and you can drink water .

It is however God's work,so I'm not complaining,i am only trying to narrate how the daypictures


I snapped a couple of pictures






About the programme,it is a Christmas programme and it is usually hosted at a stadium,this year it would be in the stadium as well,Y'all are invited.

Even if you won't be around,you can definitely tune in on the 19th of December,check out Father's house on Facebook and you can get to watch us live and direct,it is going to be mind blowing.













Keresimesi is a global event, people would be flying in from abroad to the programme,celebrities will be around,members of divers churches nationwide will be around that's why we need to use a stadium,and i can assure you that you will be blessed.

I forgot to mention the duration of the rally,it occurred for close to 2 hours and if you noticed we're all wearing matching tees,on the front is Keresimesi'21 and at the back is Father's house

_All photos were snapped and edited by me using canva _

I really want to appreciate you for reading this or skimming this(whichever way,i love you)

I am VheekthorJay and i want to be your friend

Love xoxo


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Nice one... I am impressed in how you get ideas for content. You really made an awesome content from this post.

The rally looks massive and a lot of guys must have gone out for the rally.


Very nice and interesting post.i like the native naming u did there... lot of pictures to beautify your work. Great job!
