Safari and the Dance of Privacy - A Funny Adventure in the World of Tracks.

Safari and the Dance of Privacy - A Funny Adventure in the World of Tracks

Apple came up with an ad that made me laugh with tears, but also make me think twice before clicking "Accept" on any pop-up that jumps out at me.

Tracks are like digital leeches. They track your online activity through HTTP cookies, pixel tags, JavaScript tracking scripts and third-party scripts. Their purpose? To know you better than you know yourself. They want to know what you like, what you don't like, what you searched for at 3 in the morning, and most importantly, how to bombard you with ads so personalized you'll wonder if your computer has developed a conscience.

Apple says it can protect us from trackers, but how can we know for sure? Well, i don't have the CIA labs available to verify these claims, but I do have something much more powerful: healthy skepticism and humor. Maybe Apple can hide our digital footprints, or maybe they're just selling us digital dreams while collecting our data to turn into pretty sales charts.

In general, if you want to completely disappear from the digital world, the solution would be a super simple one - give up everything. Throw the phone in the water, close the laptop and live like a hermit in the mountains. But let's be serious, who wants to miss the latest memes or not know what's going on in "Game of Thrones"? Plus, let's not forget the convenience of ordering pizza with just a few clicks. It seems to be a radical solution, which i don't really like....I don't know about you, what would be your opinion!!!

It's important to realize that tech companies can promise mountains and seas when it comes to data protection, but at the end of the day, they're businesses, not charities - please keep that in mind. Arm yourself with knowledge and be skeptical. Ask yourself, "What would the fisherman do?"

  • What do you think - is it possible to remain untraceable in the age of ubiquitous surveillance? Yep, it's hard for me to believe
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