Revenge | Spoiling My Ex Wedding


Checking out the prompt for the week on hiveghana and also scrolling though the community to see if someone wrote a revenge plan already, I think this topic is actually fun to write about. Right from childhood and even in church, they always ring it to our ear that revenge is really a bad thing and we should always leave it to God because revenge is for him, at times I do take the statement serious and at times I will just laugh anytime someone utter the statement, reason is because we all are humans and we don't really let things slide us by especially when someone hurt us greatly, we will always have this provoking spirit pushing us and telling us to do out own back as per an eye for an eye scenario ( not really plucking someone eyes) but do me I do you.

Even though I don't have an ex that I will want to revenge on, I don't even have an ex because I don't see any as one, because we had a thing going and it didn't later work out doesn't me I should now tag you as an ex or start keeping malice, we all can be of help to each other in future, but I always have this imagination about revenging or doing something bad on my ex wedding because I do tell myself I will attend their wedding even if I'm not invite, once I see the wedding card and location, I will go. Revenge is more easier nowadays especially if you are capable or somehow rich and popular, you don't even need to be present at the location, you can just send your boys to do the work.

The Plans

In weddings or before they tie the knot, they use to do some announcement stating that if you don't want the husband and wife to be join together in this holy matrimony, come forth or forever hold your peace, back in the days this statement is really feared and both man and woman will be having one kind sounding heartbeat with the hope that no one will stand up or raise hand, well in movies if such happened, the wife always faint or start crying. I will be the one to stand up during that moment so I can see what will happen. In my church, they do make such announcement before the wedding, and that is during the service in 3 Sundays, I will just organised some guys who will cook up lies against my ex and boom I will see what will happen next or how confused the groom will be.

The second plan which is the easiest but dangerous ones is to get tout to visit the reception venue since we love wedding receptions in this part of the world. I will just make sure they are many hefty crooks or tout that will be there to lock up the venue and not allow anybody to enter or probably snatch the wedding food away, if there is no food, there is no wedding. It might feel somehow but with money it can be done easily since we are now in the age where money can do and undo anything.

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0E-8 BEE

🤣🤣🤣🤣is there’s no food there’s indeed no wedding🤣

0E-8 BEE

This revenge ehhh.I can't stop laughing.Abeg,in case e happen just beat am small small ooo.

0E-8 BEE

You are so funny indeed

0E-8 BEE