Huge Whales in Small Ponds - 31k CENT Power Milestone



Hive is helping to raise crypto whales in communities/tribes. The growth of tokenized communities on Hive is unpatrolled to what any other blockchain provides. While the only displayed market capitalization for Hive is $373 million, top hive-engine tokens with significant 24h trading volumes marks an additional 100 million market cap. If the market cap of these tokens are added to that of Hive, then we're worth over $1 Billion in market cap, especially as some have trading pairs outside the Hive ecosystem.

On daily basis, utility gets added to the Hive ecosystems and it can only get better. Dieselpools for hive-engine tokens presently records a total locked value of $11.75Million as at April 24, 2022. This is an amazing statistic for layered tokens which only give additional earnings to Hive posts.


The creation of communities had been long envisaged to lead to Hive's mas adoption and day passing brings us to the realization of this goal. One can imagine the tremendous developments ongoing on @LeoFinance and @Splinterlands communities and how much value they are bringing to Hive.

Communities on Hive represent small units of interests where subscribers share thoughts and wealth among themselves. The Hive tribes and communities are a miniature representation of the broader Hive platform. For me, communities/tribes was the bold step towards solidification of the decentralization feature of Hive.

12 days ago, I celebrated reaching 25k CENT Power. It is awesome to keep growing with my $CENT stake and giving more value with my stake to contents created on Hive with #cents tag or in the Centblog interface.

CENT token is designed to be pegged at a value of $0.01 (1 Cent). Cent rewards general contents and is a great curation hive-engine asset for low budget investors. It is beautiful that curation with CENT gives about 100% APY.


I'm moving further with my CENT token stake. 100k CENT power is the goal achievable my the end of the Third quarter of 2022. Hitting 30% before the end of April sends the message that it is possible to reach 35k by the beginning of May 2022.

It is s beautiful journey so far, being able to create influence and give value at the second layer of Hive. In fact, my 31k CENT Power gives more CENT value than my 1.8k Hive Power. With my current CENT stake, 26 CENTs can be given at full upvote and that's worth $0.26.

It only gets beautiful by the day. Let's keep growing.

Join Hive Here and start a new work!


What is Hive?

Hive is an innovative and forward-looking decentralized blockchain and ecosystem, designed to scale with widespread adoption of the currency and platforms in mind. By combining the lightning-fast processing times and fee-less transactions, Hive is positioned to become one of the leading Web3 blockchains used by people around the world. source

About me...

I am a called teacher, a serial entrepreneur and a Graduate of Agricultural Engineering. Nigeria is my root and a place full of opportunities. I dropped out of a Master's Degree program due to funds, yet I do not regret growing the courage to start my business from the scratch. Today, I've built layers of Businesses on the Hive blockchain in terms of Curation and it's a sustainable passive way of earning crypto while learning.

I am your favourite Hive Tribes Promoter and Curapreneur!
I am @Uyobong.
Let's connect on Twitter


I liked your article very much, what you said about cent is also true. It's nice to be a part of a community that is growing day by day.
