Online radio DJ/podcaster that loves Freedom, decentralization, Web3 and FOSS/Linux
Hello Hive ❤️ 🔅Introduction In today's digital world, #Web3 technology is helping us do amazing things, and now it's making a difference in…
Hello World! This post is made to bring you a good news : NetworkStatus received an update, and a good one. For those who don't know, this…
HiveCast Tuner dapp DHF Proposal @agorise created a proposal asking for a daily pay of 118.000 HBD for a total of 21476 HBD. The funds will be paid to the account @agorise for…
Hello #Hive❤️ ColdBeetRootSoup would like to make a community Shoutout! CBRS AROUND THE WORLD! Over the last couple of months, we have…
I was listening to a podcast called The DarksideofPodocasts on YouTube, and I had this epiphany; Here was a host, speaking about a #blockchain…
Introduction We thought we should release more songs this year as we have so many just laying around on the dusty shelf. We like to spread the love so we thought we would get…
▶️ Watch on 3Speak **Welcome to the 6th episode of HiQ Smartcast…