The childhood ambition

Luke sat in his chair, inside his cozy office. He was in his well starched and ironed shirt and trouser. He had a nice office, laced with his preferred lilac color. The office was well illuminated, with a big window from which he could get a good view of the city.

It was the day a new manager for the bank was to be announced. Luke knew he was one of those being considered for such a huge position in the bank. His hands suddenly were cold. He was anxious. He wanted this, there was no doubt about that, but he never really considered himself getting the job.

Suddenly the door opened, and it was his colleague Lucy. She had this grace about her. One would think her eyes were the most captivating thing about her. But no, it was her smile. Her smile could make full grown men abandon their daily lives and go to war for her. It was difficult to find someone in the office who wasn't in awe of her smile.

"It's time for the meeting. The boss is here." Lucy said, smiling at Luke. It was the kind of smile that said "we both know what might be coming"

"Okay. I'm coming." Luke replied, relieved by Lucy's smile.

On getting to the board room. Everyone was seated. The boss, Mr Michael started.

"I know you all are waiting to know who the manager is. After much deliberations, and carefully considering the candidates, we have decided to make Luke the manager." Mr Michael said.


Most were delighted it was Luke, however, surprised. Luke was a hard worker. He had dedicated most of his time to the bank. So good at what he does. On top of that, he was humble and respectful. It was difficult not to like Luke. But he was the least experienced out of all the candidates. He was the lowest ranked.

After a rather exhausting round of congratulations, handshakes and applause from colleagues, Luke went back to his office to reflect on what happened. Even though he knew he was under consideration, he didn't really believe he would get the position, considering the others who were also being tipped for such a position. They had been in the industry way longer than he was. He had only hoped he got the position, and surprisingly, he got it. He was excited. He wished he could tell his late father about his accomplishment.

His mind went back to when he was a 12 year old boy. He came from a really poor family. Everyday, having something to eat was a thing of hope. They barely had 2 square meals a day. They lived in a small house. Their main goal everyday was to survive each day as they come.
One day, Luke approached his father, who sat at the back of the house, observing the trees dance to the wind. It was a cool evening, with nothing but the sound of the birds chirping.

"Dad, I want to be banker someday, and I'm going to head a bank" little Luke told his father.

His father looked at him with doubtful eyes.

"You have unnecessary dreams Luke. Let us focus on the present". His father said, dismissing what Luke had told him.

Hearing those words from his father broke his heart. He kept wondering if he was a fool for dreaming. His education wasn't assured. The family was too poor to afford to sponsor anyone's education. They barely survived the day. Perhaps that was why his father dismissed his dreams. How does someone from a such a poor home, without the assurance of an education, or help from somewhere, become the head of a bank?

However, Luke was determined. He did menial jobs to earn some money to cater for his education. He sponsored his education throughout the university. It wasn't easy, and sometimes he felt like giving up, but his determination was too strong. He graduated with flying colors and not long after, he got his dream job at one of the best banks in the city.

Luke started at the bottom and worked so hard, that it was impossible not to notice him. He built himself, his skills and reputation, and it took him up the ladder.

Now, he has made it all the way to the top. He couldn't have felt any prouder. Few could boast of having a big dream for so long and accomplishing it, but he could.
After reminiscing about the past and how far he had come, he got to work, aiming to achieve the next big goal, because for Luke, there never really is any limit.

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0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

Never let your background stop you from dreaming, dream and dream very big.

0E-8 BEE

Truly inspiring. One should always work towards his goals despite the hurdles of life

0E-8 BEE

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