Dreemport Newbie Marathon | | Speed Up And Excel Newbies


Hey there,

My name is treasure awesome, I am a lady with big dreams. I have been on hive for 1year and five month now, and I have so far been in love with this platform. I am a mother of two beautiful kids and yeah I am married too.

So I am participating in the "Dreemport Newbie Marathon" for the month of July. It's exciting to do this especially when doing it has a team. At first I didn't quite get what we were supposed to do, but after putting our heads together we were able to get a grasp of what to do.
So I will give special thanks to @dreemport for this wonderful marathon and also to the moderators of "HHYM" it's really a good idea to work with newbies and to also get creative and explore Hive blockchain more.

Our team consists of 11 members. We have 3 newbies and 8 oldies ,we are not so old, we are all still trying to achieve greater heights on hive. We have set several goals for the marathon and have already started working on them.

Our Teamgoal

To provide our newbies with the oomph and speed they need to excel more efficiently and effectively.

We are working hard and pushing each other to make sure we reach our goals. Our goal is to make the most of the month and to have fun while doing it. We are confident that we can achieve our goals and have a successful month. We are ready to take on the challenge and work together to make it happen. Let's get to it!

"Team Flash"

The newbies in our midst are also people who are ready to learn that is why we have our team name as "Team Flash" we are working together to push our team newbies to bring out their best. We will provide resources, guidance, and support in the ways we can to our newbies so they can develop their skills and knowledge quickly. We also celebrate successes and applaud accomplishments. We believe that together we can create something amazing. We believe that everyone has something to contribute to our team and we want to create an environment where everyone can learn and grow. We are dedicated to helping the newbies succeed and be part of our team's success. We look forward to seeing everyone's best work!

Thanks to @olujay and @merit.ahama who came up with the team's banner and our wonderful team's name, we hope to come out well or rather I say best in this marathon by dreemport. We are very proud of our team and are looking forward to the challenge. Everyone is working hard to make sure we do our best and hopefully come out on top. Let's do this! "Team Flash"

Thank you for visiting this blog

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So glad to be a part of your team Treasure 😇. Looking forward to learning so much from you and helping the others with the little I have. Let’s goo #teamflash


Yay chenty it's also great to have you in the team. Let's work together.


Mehn! I'm loving this banner over and over 😅 Team Flash being flashy with their design lol

Nice knowing you and having you in our team... Let's do it with speed 💯
#dreemerforlife #teamflash


Y'all are doing well. Team flash are amazing. Hehe.

I've seen a could of posts by your teammates and I keep saying that the teem is fairly balanced. Haha. It's a good blend of Newbies and oldbies. I'm sure y'all will have so much fun while on this marathon. #dreemerforlife


I appreciate your stopping by.
Yeah teamflash will sure be remarkable , that I can say.
I saw your team too. It's very much okay too.



Yes oooo. All the teams are unique in their own ways. It will be interesting to see how each team will go through each task in the marathon
