Double the Celebrations, Double the Joy


There's nothing that fills a parent's heart quite like watching your beautiful children celebrate another year of life. The pride, the joy, the overwhelming love and gratitude - it bubbles up in a way that's indescribable yet instantly recognizable to any mom or dad. As I looked upon the smiling faces of my daughter Adesewa Joella and sonJamiel today, I was brimming with that sublime feeling.

For my sweet baby girl Adesewa, today marked a truly special milestone - her 3rd birthday. Three years ago, I brought this incredible little human into the world amidst a whirlwind of challenges. The memories of that intense pregnancy came flooding back as I watched her bright brown eyes light up with excitement this morning. The endless morning sickness, the extreme fatigue, the worry that constantly gnawed at me wondering if she was healthy and safe. It was an emotional rollercoaster unlike anything I'd ever experienced before.

But the second I held Adesewa in my arms for the first time, all those tribulations just...melted away. Replaced by an euphoric love and profoundly spiritual sense of gratitude for this robust new life. As she squirmed and cooed in that bundle of blankets, I knew every discomfort was more than worth it to have her here, healthy and vibrant and perfect. She was the greatest gift imaginable.

Fast forward three years, and that's still how I see my darling daughter each and every day. A precious, miraculous gift from God that I get to unwrap joyfully anew with every giggle, every new word learned, every mischievous smile and bearhug. This bubbly, curious, brilliant little being is my entire heart walking around outside my body. I'm eternally grateful for her life and watching her grow bigger and wiser with each passing year.

So when her 3rd birthday arrived this morning, you'd better believe I went all out to make it as special and memorable as possible! After gently waking her with a chorus of "Happy Birthday" songs, I ushered her out of her toddler bed and into the most adorably frilly, twirly dress I could find. Her face lit up with delight as I placed the biggest shinny crown on top of her tiny head of coils. She posed and giggled through a mini photoshoot, already such a natural in front of the camera like her Aunt Uddy.hehe

Of course, no posed pictures could quite capture the radiant joy emanating from within her. That smile, that infectious belly laugh, that zest for life and all its beauty - it's something that has to be witnessed in person. Luckily her dad and I got to bask in all her birthday bliss up close and personal as we showered her with hugs, kisses and more gifts than a kid could dream of receiving!

Once the festivities at home wound down, I changed Adesewa into a fresh, comfy set of clothes for school - her favorite jeans, that cute blue top with rainbow hearts, and a fresh pair of sparkly sneakers befitting a newly-minted 3-year-old. I also carefully tucked away a little pack of her beloved spaghetti and chicken, and drinks to share with her teachers and classmates for the occasion. Seeing their happy faces digging into those goodies made me just as happy as my baby girl.

While Adesewa's special day was certainly the shining centerpiece, we also made sure to soak up the joy with her big brother Jamiel ,he turned Six,and piggyback on the excitement of his recent birthday on May 3rd. That was definitely a win-win for these two siblings - they get their own individualized celebrations while still sharing that buddy bond of being each other's forever partners in crime!

Just like his little sister, Jamiel got to feel like the center of attention all over again today. I dressed him up in his snazzy new royal blue pants, leather loafers and t-shirt shirt which I bought few weeks back ,We took pictures galore, stuffed him with presents, and marveled at our eldest entering those precious tween years. At 6 years old, he's already such an impressive, young man wise beyond his years. Yet he still has the pure, unbridled spirit of a child - playing make-believe games with his sister, cracking bad jokes to make everyone laugh, delighting in the little things like only kids can. Seeing him embrace Adesewa with such unconditional love and protection makes my heart swell.

As the day drew to a close amidst stray ribbons, discarded wrapping paper, bellies overstuffed with too much food and two gloriously exhausted little party animals, I felt profoundly grateful. Grateful for my biggest blessings, my two shining lights in this world. Grateful for the journey of motherhood, which can be brutally hard yet astoundingly rewarding. Grateful for all the love surrounding our family. Grateful quite simply for today - this perfect, joyous day of celebrating my wonderful children's lives and commemorating their incredible Mother Nature-defying entrances into this world.

Nights like this are the reason I live and breathe. Watching my babies gregariously frolicking about with their new toys and sugary treats, deliriously happy amidst the unrestrained chaos and excitement - it's pure, uninhibited bliss. These evenings are the ones I'll lock away forever in the safekeepings of my heart, pristine little time capsules to revisit over and over again as cherished memories when my babies are all grown. Because in these singular moments, all is right with the world. In these moments, time stands blissfully still for my family to just exist, love and celebrate this wonderful gift of simply being alive together.

So while the festivities have ended and my two angels are now sprawled out in dreamland, I'll stay up a little longer with a full heart, overflowing with love and fresh birthday memories. I'll revel in the leftover balloons and cheery gift wrap strewn about, tangible reminders of what a truly special day this was. And mostly, I'll just give thanks - for these two incredible rays of light that make every single birthday worth commemorating like no other.

All images used here are mine

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Happy birthday to Joella and belated birthday to Jamiel long life in good health.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks winner

0E-8 BEE

Happy birthday to your child ma'am 😊

0E-8 BEE

Thank you so much

0E-8 BEE

Welcome. 😊

0E-8 BEE

You have hot a pretty daughter and a handsome Bobo
So who dem resemble so, shey na baba Wale abi na mama T, πŸ™„
Congrats to both

0E-8 BEE

Thank you, they look like their dad obviously.hehe

0E-8 BEE

Adesewa is such a beauty! 😍😍

Happy birthday to her. I wish her all the best.


0E-8 BEE

Thanks so much ,😍😍

0E-8 BEE

You're welcome. ☺️

0E-8 BEE

She looks so pretty and happy. Happy birthday to Adesewa, May she grow in God’s Grace.


0E-8 BEE

Amen thank you

0E-8 BEE

Wow! They both had a fun-filled day. Happy birthday Adeshewa. May God continue to bless her and uphold your family.


0E-8 BEE