Take responsibility for your actions

During The previous week I was having a conversation with a friend and we were talking about life in the university days , we talked about the challenges we faced while we were still studying at the school , the joy , the sadness , the good , the bad , everything that happened during the schooling days...

Now during the discussion my friend started to talk about how she failed some certain courses at school and she blamed her room-mates for it , because according to her , they used to love going to parties instead of reading and so they made her to get distracted as they started taking her to various parties and she was not able to concentrate on reading anymore..

Well I cautioned her and told her that sometimes we need to start taking responsibility for our own actions, yeah fine her room-mates might have had a very huge influence on her decisions and activities while she was still at the university but also she needs to be aware that the final decision is hers to make , they did not put gun on her head that she must always follow them and abandon her studies , it is still your own final decision on whether you want to follow them or not , so learn to take responsibility for whatever action you have taken whether good or bad , trying to always blame others for your own actions is a kind of cowardly act..

It takes maturity and boldness to be able to accept that you made mistakes and take responsibilities for it , trying to blame others for your own problems is not the way forward , it will never make you to solve a problem, it will only make you to keep massaging the ego of the problem simply because you are still trying to justify yourself instead of working on how to stop the problem..

So as from today I want you to start taking responsibility for your own actions and you will see a major positive turnaround in your life and your approach towards life will become better..

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