The Third Time Is The Charm - Check out our new home!

our home the third time is the charm.png

I asked for a miracle

When we decided to say yes to the brand-new apartment in the middle of the new city center, while truly not wanting to live there at all, hoping for a miracle to happen, a totally unexpected option was presented. We had to leave our apartment for the first two weeks in a rush thanks to some fault of the owner, he promised a late check-out, and he said he blocked the departure day fully without any extra costs so we could have a calm check-out and transit to the next Airbnb. On the day of departure I checked in with him via the app to confirm the best time for both of us when he told me this is a fault on my end I know I told you this but for some reason, I forgot. He also apologized for the inconveniences with the internet as well as the broken air conditioners but we still had to pack and leave.

One upset child and two stressed parents

I went out to have breakfast with our daughter that morning because the day before we had to wait inside for half of the day until the mechanics would come for the air conditioner that broke again, she wanted to swim and we had to stall until the evening. I felt bad for her but after waiting for 2 days until the mechanic had time, we were happy that our last night was going to be one with air conditioning at least. I finally started to feel great about the pool that evening and decided that I would not spend time at work the next day but only with her and later that day on the move to the new apartment we booked for 8 days.

We went out to have breakfast and at 11 AM when the pool opened I wanted to be in the pool. Just 15 minutes before the pool opened, I was told about the situation and while the little one was all dressed in her bathing suit, I had to tell her we couldn't go. She was so very upset which broke my heart. Not only did we have to tell her several times why we also needed to rush pack as we mostly unpacked all our things because we stayed there two weeks and some items had been packed in a rush in Budapest so I wanted to check this calmly and make sure to be able to find everything when needed.

I was quite angry at the owner at first

But after a few messages, he also told me to tell him a time that you're ready so they can come and clean it. You don't have to rush take your time. So I told him it will take 2 or maybe 2,5 hours as the office also needed to be taken down and packed safely. When he said ok, I told him I'd let them know 30 minutes in advance and he said thank you. So I calmed down and decided to just accept the situation as it was not going to change anyway. Knowing that we didn't have to be out in 30 mins calmed my mind as I already saw we could probably be just a little early at the new place and things wouldn't be too bad after all. He also said if you ever need accommodation let me know I will make sure to give you a discount. So I fired the "we are looking for a home" thing at him and he let me know they considered it but it's too hard finding something for the long term during summer, especially as we said 3 bedrooms. To me, the option of finding something through them was closed at that point. I had no hope left.

His wife came to get the key and clean the place

She had a cleaning lady with her and while we were about to move the suitcases into the elevator, she said she had one apartment brand new in the same place as where we preferred to rent but only one bedroom. The price was much less than the other one we agreed to. We told her that we are actually very interested because our other option is moving to the city center in the city that was our absolute last choice so we would even prefer to have a 1 bedroom and more affordable apartment and then buy a car as soon as we can. The car (or even a bike) would not be possible in the other apartment because there is no place to park either of them safely. Not ideal as I really want to have a bike soon.


Video & visit

She showed a video of a walk-in closet (soon to be walk-in office, lol) and the bedroom (big!) I could not see much but we made sure she knew we were very interested and she said we could check it probably during the weekend. This meant we had to keep the other one optional until after the weekend. Thankfully, we could come and check it before the weekend and we were SO happy when we entered the apartment. Honestly, I never expected such a big apartment with one bedroom! On top of that, the couch was brand new (and we love it) as well as all the bedding! Where the other owner of the city apartment said he was going to remove the bedding when we move in (which was stupid!) here we have everything included: cushions for the couch, pillows for the beds, sheets, blankets, spreads, towels, you name it.

Missing kitchen supplies

The only thing not there yet were the plates, glasses, and pans. They asked her if we didn't mind this, we said it's no problem, ok we have to buy them ourselves but at least we can buy the things we like (I'm also considering what looks great with foodies content, lol) because we have a small kitchen so I prefer not to stuff it with someone else's stuff that we actually don't like. And even though pans are expensive, we have seen in these apartments that often they don't meet our standards and I rather pay for that so we can have good ones. We were so grateful during that visit, we thanked her 100 times for this opportunity.

The community building will have a pool in the future

We did not count on it at all, and it's not finished yet this year, but the owner said that there's a pool under construction or going to be under construction (that wasn't clear to me lol) and it will be there but probably next year. I mean, I can totally see us being super happy there for a few years until we want to buy a place of our own. We are very content! The only worry I personally have about the place is the fact that we are on the ground floor and when they will start/resume the construction of the pool it will sound/feel like it's inside our home. I lived and worked in a building with construction next and above us for 2,5 years in Budapest, it was no fun, but at least this one will be with a great result: a community pool. And it may end up being less horrible in the end depending on how far they are already. Oh well, at least they have siesta hours here, lol.

Thursday it's time to move!

One last time we will have to move our life in 5 suitcases to another place, which is a true pain let me tell you! I'm super happy that we rented the van for 16 days because now we have almost a full weekend to hunt for things we need in our new home. We will be very picky and I will consider very carefully if we need the items we buy because the kitchen is very small and I would like it to be practical, not overcrowded with unneeded items.

our home (1).jpg

As you can see it's very tiny, but imagine standing there cooking, you can reach all cabinets from the same spot, so I try to see it as a positive thing to have a tiny kitchen like this.

A few days of luxury on wheels before we bring back the rental van, after that, it will be "fun" walking uphill with groceries, lol. Wonder how my knee will enjoy that stuff, but it is what it is, and I'm happy to deal with the downsides as there are many upsides too and it seemed we were granted our miracle so we don't end up in the big city center!

Nothing but gratitude here! <3

gratitude changes everything.png

Previous parts of The Expat Diaries


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Woa, this place looks very nice. You guys did a great pick.


I will probably show a bit more once we moved in and have settled with some decoration etc. For now this is all I will share :) haha.

The bedroom is filled with packs of cushions/bedding/towels etc.. pretty cool to have that all included!



Hello @thisismylife
One of the most stressful things in life for me is moving houses, and I can imagine the added undue stress the news of you having to vacate earlier than expected must have caused. I'm glad you took the information calmly and well, as it would have only added more stress.

I understand why you felt there was no hope and had lost confidence in seeking accommodation through that "landlord" / agent, but I'm happy you had the miracle ending. I do hope you'll survive the construction if it does happen.
and just a note: I do think it's better for landlords to leave pillows and cushions etc in a flat that's being rented/leased. Let the tenants decide after, as not everyone would have purchased new ones, and sometimes tenants might need to budget for soft furnishings.

Thanks for stopping by:)))


Hi @millycf1976!

It was stressful but honestly, it also fits us just perfectly, things seem to be bumpy before they flow perfectly haha. This was no different I guess. All ended well, so it's fine.

We'll find out about the pool / construction, but it wasn't going to be a reason to turn down the place anyway. We will deal with that when it happens. Maybe it's not that bad after all and maybe they are super fast building these lol. #wishfulthinking!

I agree it's very convenient, I mean, we left Budapest with just 5 suitcases and therefore many convenient items we used a lot had to stay behind due to all the luggage that really needed to come. Some heavier items were dismissed because of the weight only, not even the size. Now I have to buy it new here and even at the cheap market halls, they cost at least triple the price I'd normally pay for them. But I don't have the luxury now to wait while ordering it in from China for example, so I will most likely end up paying more for some things.

What I do love is the fact that we carefully pick the items we really need and will find them useful over just loading them in and filling up the kitchen cabinets. We are truly considering it and even sleeping on it before we buy soemthing. So eventually, the minimalistic lifestyle will be something we actively work on, also thanks to the smaller apartment and less space to store things. In the end, all good!

Thanks for leaving such a nice comment every time!


A little tip for you and have a nice evening!


Yes, optimism #wishfulthinking 😆 is the best we can do sometimes. I've seen contractors build quality pools in third-world countries in a short enough time, so I think you will cope, and that first dive in the water will be well worth the wait:)

Carefully picking items is the best way to facilitate living with less comfortably, indeed!

Thanks for your lovely feedback and thoughtful message too...and I appreciate the token.

All good wishes xx


that first dive in the water will be well worth the wait:)

No doubt that this is true! That one will be amazing haha.

Carefully picking items is the best way to facilitate living with less comfortably, indeed!

Yeah, I have to admit that my boyfriend pays a big part in it this time as well as I almost bought a few items that he didn't consider quality enough and he rather goes to a good store than these market halls for those less quality items, especially now that we see prices are a bit higher than they used to be. Fair enough! It's just my budgeting mindset that is getting a bit anxious to buy all these higher quality things because we left so many things in Budapest (feels wrong to buy them top dollar (actually euro lol) now..

But we'll find a middle ground, haha.

Thank you! xxx


They do sneakily hike the prices... I don't do much shopping, so I remember what I. pay for the little things that I do buy... When I go back a few months later, I notice that there might be a 50 pence increase here and there.

I think you and your boyfriend make a great team then:)


I am so glad you found a place where you feel comfortable, I understand how tedious it is to move but when you like where you are going the experience becomes rewarding.


Oh I am so happy you are all settled in!! See you soon <3


Glad you finally found "the one" :) The kitchen is really compact but good too because you won't be cleaning a vast space :) I wish you the best on your new "home"


So you say MIRACLES are real! I guess it depends on what somebody considers to be a miracle, some could say it was a miracle that they caught the bus when they were running late, others will call it a miracle only when they see Jesus turning water into wine :)
In my country when somebody moves to a new home it's common to say or wish them "casa de piatra", I'll let you find out the meaning of it!

Voted on ListNerds!


Don't take stuff like that too serious please :) I do believe in the law of attraction but on the other hand I'm not religious or anything, but when something feels like a miracle, it doesn't really mean I believe in actual miracles. I would definitely not call running late for the bus and catch it a miracle. But I have experienced numerous times that LOA is real and those successes can feel like small/big miracles.. Hope that's more clear hehe.



Congrats! Wish you an easy move, and then let the Spanish life begin!


Thanks! That life has already begun hehe, I felt at home from the moment we landed. No joke. I love being here and I love the language, the people, the tapa culture, awesome!



Well guess We will both be in a new place this Thursday Good Luck !CTP


Haha, thanks! Just received the contract, guess what? No clause about mascottas :P woop .. Happy! We can get a cat :)

You are flying today right?

Have a safe flight!



I've never seen a kitchen like this. It looks very funny. But you're right, it should be comfortable to cook in.


Haha, that makes two of us! :)
It will be a bit of getting used to it, but I'm just seeing the benefits as it is what it is anyway!



Oh! Congratulations on your new home! It looks so lovely and comfy! And that couch is divine!

I'm so glad you have that van and I can just imagine you whipping up awesome foodie content in no time in that super functional kitchen!

I'm so sorry your girl had such a rough time of it. That said, I am super stoked you are getting a pool in your building soon and I bet she's super excited about it!

So happy for you all!




Great that you had your miracle! It really looks nice. The kitchen is indeed a small one (I think I never saw a smaller kitchen), but you don't live in the kitchen! For me it's more important to have a nice living space where you feel "home". My kitchen is also a small one, and in the beginning I was struggling a bit. But soon you're used to it. It's just a matter of turning the switch in your head.
One thing I learned very quickly is not to buy things at the Chinese stores. Most of the things are really low quality. It's okay when you need a plastic bucket or so, but stay away from the important things. Better buy them in a decent store. We did a lot of shopping at Ikea. Most of our kitchen utensils be bought there. Also our plates and glasses. The price is good and the quality is also good. Not the high top quality, but considering the price it's a good deal. We also needed smaller cupboards, side table and a desk ... We all got it from Ikea.
Now just one more move left and you can start building your own "home". I'm sure you and your family will have a great time in your place!


Great update. Im glad it worked out in the end. We have a construction site opposite us for 5 years now and i cant tell you how angry we are. Sand blowing over our house all the time.


Ouch, I feel you! We had it for the full 2,5 years when we lived in our second last apartment in Budapest. At first, it was only me having the trouble from it, until my boyfriend needed to work from home too and then he knew why it drove me insane like sometimes it started at 7am and didn't stop until 8 in the evening. He thought I was overreacting when I said I could not focus, he learned I was right lol.

The second-year thankfully we had air conditioning so at least I could close the windows but that doesn't help much when it's coming from next to your bedroom (the construction site) as well as the apartment directly above you.

5 years is even worse, I hope it's over soon!

