The 30 Pictures 30 Stories Challenge - Day 17 - A 13-Year Old Top



Day 17 - A 13-Year Old Top

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I got inspired by the "30 day not-so ordinary ordinary items challenge" but as I love giving things a personal twist, I decided to change the format a bit for myself so it suits me better. I've adjusted it to the 30 pictures - 30 stories challenge. But some days you will see that I also use not-so ordinary ordinary objects.

Feel free to join the challenge at any time if you like.

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Publish one picture a day during 30 days and write a story about that picture. This can be anything, any object in the home, a person, scenery or a pet. I'm going to share a diversity of pictures and challenge myself to step outside of the box.

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Today is the day that I will probably struggle with my emotions a bit, as I do every year when this day arrives. Today, 13 years ago, I gave birth to my first daughter. A beautiful little girl with the most beautiful red hair you can imagine. I was so proud of her and everywhere we walked with the stroller, people stopped to have a look at her beautiful hair. Funny thing is before she was born, I was afraid she'd be a red head lol, as her father had this very ugly hair when he was young. Thankfully the universe only messed with me a little bit as her hair was a darker color red, not orange.

As some know, the father of this amazing girl is a not so amazing person who managed to get full custody over her and her little brother while I was living in fear and fled the country at some point. I've been missing quite a few birthdays and every year it's hard, we always celebrate their birthdays with some nice piece of cake or whatever we think of that year. This year will be no different. I still miss them every day, but my gut feeling lets me know it's not time yet and I have to sit it out a bit longer before I can successfully outsmart my ex. I know that when the time is right, he will get a taste of his own medicine from me.

This top in the picture is one of my daughter's tops from when she was a baby. She turns 13 today, and I thought it was a good day to share this picture today as this day is her day. I remember we had this nice brand in Holland called "Bakkaboe" and it was for sale at the more budget shops but actually awesome quality and so cute as well. Whenever my mother came to visit, she found something else for my daughter and it was usually from this brand. This top, I can still see her wearing it, it looked adorable on her. It was in great condition after she outgrew it and therefore I kept it with some other clothes at the time.

At first I kept her baby clothes in case she'd get a little sister, but the first one after her was a boy. At that point I started to get rid of most girl clothes, with a few exceptions that I wanted to keep for memories. And then my youngest was born years later, she wore this top many times, unfortunately it got stained then and I could not remove them anymore. I still kept it as I wanted to keep the memories alive, and it already came to Spain with us as this was the period my youngest was able to wear it. I have many pictures with her wearing it at the start of our new adventure in Spain, and until today, I'm cherishing it.

To my not so baby girl anymore: "Today is your day, we miss you, so much! We will celebrate your birthday and you are on my mind sweetheart, I wish that we are together for the next birthday! Big hugs from Spain! <3"

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


I have a few keepsakes like this myself. They grow so fast! I cant believe they were so tiny to fit into these things!



Interesting story :D When there is another contest like this I will participate, thanks for sharing :D


It's not a general contest, I gave it my own twist, you can do the same :)
