Beer Saturday - Flensburger Gold
For accessibility reasons, this post can also be read in Portuguese (Brazil). Just scroll down. English Version Hello beer lovers! Time for another #beersaturday post! I'm…
Project manager, guitarist and, more recently, crypto enthusiast
For accessibility reasons, this post can also be read in Portuguese (Brazil). Just scroll down. English Version Hello beer lovers! Time for another #beersaturday post! I'm…
For accessibility reasons, this post can also be read in PT-BR I'm a day late and a buck short, but I thought I'd end the year with a Beer Saturday post, which I haven't done in…
A Hive como um portal de review de produtos Estou de volta com um tipo de artigo que gostaria de ver muito mais por aqui: review de produtos. Acho que já comentei em outros…
O assunto desse post pode se desenrolar em diversas esferas, incluindo política, mas por ora eu vou me abster de comentar qualquer coisa além das…
Trying to resume my journey for a healthier lifestyle has been a lot harder than I anticipated! Time has been scarce and as much as I know it's wrong, exercise is the first…
Failure is a bitch. I decided to start fresh this weekend and resume the healthy lifestyle I was living some months ago but man plans, God laughs I guess. I had no idea today I…
I decided to make this weekend a turning point in my routine. For numerous reasons that will not be mentioned here, I have been very negligent with my health. I stopped doing…
Eu sou um entusiasta da coquetelaria há muitos anos e embora hoje eu já não trabalhe com nada relacionado a esse tema, ainda considero…