How to make this multipurpose fabric

Today I want to teach you how to make beautiful multipurpose fabric flowers since you can use it to decorate your blouses, as a hair ornament, as a bracelet or for key rings.

This flower is very economical since we can make it from fabric scraps that we have in our house, you can use the color that you like or simply combine them. The good thing about making this type of flower is that we can use our imagination and creativity a lot, there are so many designs that we can do with just a small piece of fabric, but the one that I am going to show you is a very simple design, so let's get to work. .

As I already mentioned, this craft is called cloth flowers, the idea of ​​making it was for our use since we usually comb our hair and place ornaments on our hair daily and mainly girls who like to be very flirtatious, we can also decorate our blouses and bags are very useful. I want all the children of this beautiful community to be encouraged to make this little flower, either for their own use, and if it is a child, as a gift to their mother or another loved one.

Here is the step by step

The materials that we will need are:
Piece of cloth

We take the piece of fabric of our choice, we take a pencil and a round mold and we mark in order to obtain a not very large circle, we are going to cut this very carefully with our scissors.

We cut five pieces of fabric, then we proceed to fold them in half, and then we fold again to form our petal.
