Two Tools That Rules The World 🌎.

The weekend is almost here again guys ,and hope your week was fruitful ❤️.


And that is why many crave for them. Power And Influence. And humility has been discarded by many because with these two tools, many feels being on top of the world.

Power is the ability or capacity one posses to act in a certain form, way, or behaves in a particular character. And looking more into power we could say that power is also the ability to direct and influence the behavior of others or the course of events in the area of politics.This means that through Power influence is born or created .

Influence the capacity to have an effect on the character, behavior of someone or something. And this however shows here that power is the key 🔑 to influencing.

And we have always believed that power corrupts because those who do not know the essence of power are misusing it. Like in a country where I come from, those who believe they need power to subject and subdue others have forgotten how man must humbly himself before God wether you are in power or influential. Power and influence are meant to be used for humanity in all areas of life because we are not supposed to be at the same levels in life.

This is why we have Organizational Charts in Organizations where we have Board of Directors. Here power starts from them, then the General Managers before Departmental Heads. This type of power and influence here are not those that is used wrongly because it does not constitute abuse, mistreat, subjecting and over using. Everyone knows his or her place. Although sometimes influence can play vital roles like in the area of promotions and job recruitments.

In Churches we have the General Overseers, then the Pastors before ministers who over see things from the lower level, although in the house of God everyone is equal. But this levels are just there to fasten communication if need be. Like wise in Universities where there are Dean Of Faculties to direct the affairs of students. All these powers and influences are under control.

I could say however that its only in politics that power and influence has become an ability to act out of ordinary. The political power and influence is one that causes abuse in all areas, and thus, where corruption has become order of the day and mans conscience has been sold to the devil.

And politics in recent years has become “a do or die affair” where men acts as if their God. This is due to the hunger for insatiability because power and influence in the hands of man make them feel important. . And as long as they are in a position of such they see themselves craving for more power.



I was once in a group of women advocating for change. A local government small group of women who wants change in the environment. It was not a political group though, but we where about women having their voice to be heard in some environmental matters.

It happened that as time went by we have the need to select women who will always represent us when there is matters to be brought to the table, so we decided to choose from our elderly women, those we know can stand challenges.

And as time goes by, we were gradually being noticed in the local government and soon we saw how those that we chose to represent us were already dancing to the tunes of the local government chairman and his colleagues.

It turned out with time that our leaders were already entering into politics for more power and influence for their own selfish interest, taking bribes and exhibiting some nonchalant attitude.

It was surprising to many but to me I saw it as mans crave for opportunity to gain power and influence for their own benefit. And this is what happens in political seats 💺 where each an everyone is making sure to gain for himself. I saw it as breach of contract because that was not our aim.

They took advantage of the chance we gave them for their benefits. How else can one trust those we are involved with? Those who behave nonchalantly do not care sometimes because they see no reason to care. The crave for power will always make us see white as black and keep us blinded from the truth.

But it is obvious that what a man sows he will reap, so its either we use the power and influence more accurately for humanity or live craving for more that has no ending. I believe also that the table turns around sometimes.

This is my response for # hl-w123e3 . # “POWER AND INFLUENCE”.

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They say, if you want to know the true nature of a man, just give him small power and he will show you what he is like.

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That is what it is @young-tari. Man and power are is a quest that will never end.

Thanks for your time coming around. Blessings 😇

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Thank you for the support @pandex. Lots if blessings 😇

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What is going on in the world at this time and because of which people are giving respect is only money. If we have money, then the whole world will respect us, otherwise no one will even greet us.

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Imagine man worshiping money instead of God. Its sad how things are. Although we need this money 💰 to help solve problems but not to gain power and influence because its abuse.

Thanks for coming around @djbravo. I appreciate. Blessings 😇

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