The Greatest Estate Developer


Reading Korean webtoons has been my favorite pastime for a few years now. Most of the titles I've read fall into the revenge, action, and transgression genres. But for the past few weeks, I've tried something different and read "The Greatest Estate Developer" which falls under the kingdom building/management category. And to my surprise, I truly enjoyed reading this webtoon, probably one of the best I've tried recently.

About this Webtoon
A difference between Japanese mangas and Korean manhwas is that many manhwas are first published as light novels before being given the green light to be released as manhwa/webtoon. And The Greatest Estate Developer is actually the second story out of a three-part series authored by BK_Moon.
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And while they say that you don't have to read the prequel, I Became the Dragon King's Chef, to enjoy this webtoon, I've seen a few characters who made cameo appearances.

And I don't think I can't make a proper review without spoiling a little bit of the plot so I'm going to put a spoiler warning.

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What I Like About The Greatest Estate Developer
The protagonist, Suho Kim, was transported inside the world of a novel he was reading. He occupied the body of Lloyd Frontera, a side character of the story. It's pretty typical as far as most manhwa settings go. But here are some of what stands out for me in this webtoon.
The Constructions


You can tell that the author did some research for his novel as the protagonist, being a civil engineering major, builds elaborate projects such as apartment buildings, bridges, heated floors, and even sewage systems. Infrastructure is his solution to most of the problems he encounters. The constructions are described in more detail here than in other similar manhwas I've read.
The Humor


A running gag throughout the story is about how ugly Lloyd's face is. I find some circumstances so hilarious that I end up laughing out loud while reading the webtoon. There are also some comedic side characters like musclebound mermaids and beef loving elves.
Character Development

Finally, what I love most above The Greatest Estate Developer is the character development, at least with the main character. Lloyd starts off as an annoying and stubborn bastard obsessed with profits, work ethics, and construction safety. And I thought the story was going to revolve around the bromance between Lloyd and Javier. But they both were introduced to their love interests later on. His compassion towards others is also revealed throughout the story and Lloyd eventually confronts his inner demons and finds redemption.

The Greatest Estate Developer is a must-read especially if you want to lighten your mood. There's always something to look forward to in the next chapter. The story is straightforward and there are no convoluted plots or world-building. I would rank this high on my manhwa list. Give it a try!


Disclaimer: All images used in this post are for entertainment purposes only. They are properties of BK_Moon, Lee Hyunmin, Kim Hyunsoo, and NAVER Webtoon. No copyright infringement intended.

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Seems interesting! It's like the isekai story of Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion, but this time the character is about construction. Plus it's also comedic. Seems nice, now.. if only I read but I don't 😅


me parece buena, aunque con el tiempo que suelo tener vere si puedo leerla jeje, buen post!

I think it's good, but with the time I usually have I'll see if I can read it hehe, good post!


Hanggang komiks lang talaga ako. 🤩 !PGM
