In the world of uncertainties, all we have is a sound mind to take calculated risks

It's a world of uncertainty where we can't even predict what will happen in the next minute but time from time, we're charged with the responsibility of making decisions that will carry us for as long as we live our lives, such an irony.

Decision making is never an easy thing to do because many things are at stake depending on the nature of the decision you want to make and most importantly, the consequences of that decision.
The pressure gets doubled up when your close ones (parents, siblings, friends or relatives) has a contrary opinion other than the decision you want to make... It becomes a dilemma if you should agree with him or go with your own decision..

Humans love having someone they will hold responsible and sometimes may go for the later so as to have who to point fingers at when things go south but despite having someone to point fingers at or not, it's always a sad thing when things don't go as planned but then in life, it doesn't go our way all the time, I guess that's why we're Humans after all.

Steps I Take To Make A Decision

  • Brainstorm on it..

Whenever I have a big decision to make about a particular deed, I always take my time to think thoroughly about it asking myself many questions about the deed especially if it's even worth it in the first place.


  • Weigh the merits and demerits..

Next, I ask myself the merits and demerits of such a decision, I try to weigh them and of course, if the demerits far outweighs the merits, I will never embark on the deed because it's as if the odds are already against me from the onset so why make a decision that will go against me only to leave me with disappointment later... I don't think it's worth it.

  • Give my best..

Now if eventually I decide to make that decision, the next thing I ask myself is what I will do to make this decision come through.
Making a good decision is like solving 50% of the problem but then the other 50% comes with making efforts for the decision to come through... Without doing your best for your decision, it will never come through.

  • What if it goes South..

Now before I finally decide, having weighed the merits and demerits, I ask myself, what if it goes wrong, what if things doesn't exactly go as planned, what will be my next line of action?

I ask myself this question not because I want what I decided on to go wrong but then we're Humans afterall and things don't always go as planned... Atimes, it goes South and it is for those moments I ask myself this question even though I will continue with what I've decided on provided it ticked all the other boxes because if you keep thinking of the "what if it goes South, you'll never start up something because it's a world of uncertainty."

How long does it take you to make major decisions?

I honestly haven't thought about it but most times In life when I'm faced with an important decision to make, I consider myself not in a race against time but in a race against making the most beneficial decision against all odds regardless of the time it took me.

What if things don't go as planned, what methods do I emplore to cope up with?

Believe me when I tell you that nothing pains more than when you carefully sat down to think a decision through and finally make one, give your best in making it a success only to be disappointed in the end but then like I'll always say, we're Humans afterall and some of our decision will definitely go south, so in the face of those situations, it isn't the disappointment that matters but rather your response to the disappointment that matters.

At first it'll be like the whole world fell on your shoulder, you'll look useless, you'll second-guess yourself a lot, you'll ask yourself if you were equal to the task initially and series of questions..

But you know what?

With time, you'll heal and give it a second push depending on what the subject matter is because you've got no other option other than trying again.

You won't die unless you commit suicide which is not worth it at all rather you will try again.

So in the face of disappointments, I just simply take some days off, then get up and try again.

Making decisions is very tasking and demanding but then you won't because of the outcome you don't know anything about to stop making decisions, some might eventually favour you even as some will go against you.... It's all about taking a calculated risk with your sound mind.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day


A decision after full thought and well measured saves you from big loss. It is good to know you take your time before making decisions.


Decision making is very difficult and yet sensitive depending on the situation. Take for instance when I wanted to get married, on boy... confusion was the order of the day...lots of factors to evaluate
Like you said, the world is filled with uncertainties and so we can't predict the turn out of of certain decisions..we can only do our part and proceed to making one decision or the other. Even in business, it fails sometimes and becomes favourable sometimes, we don't know but then, the steps you listed here looks good
Thanks for sharing


Hehehe,yes oh, I can remember that moment, dramas were everywhere 😂
Thank God it all turned out good.

Life won't always favour us but all we pray for is that it favours us for most of the time


That number 2 is me, i always think of the benefit and loss before making a decision, if the loss is more than what i can gain, i back off, it is always good to know what we are taking risk for is worth it.


Not just sticking our neck out even when it's not worth it

Happy New Year man 👍


compliment of the season gee, wish ya the best


The mind is the battlefield and power house for every kind of decision therefore it must be properly guided.

Having the right mind leads to the right decision.


Exactly... Once you've aligned your minds and thoughts in order, you'll always come out good


We have to be careful with the decisions we make, since we have to make them at every moment, we have to evaluate the pros and cons. I do that even for those that seem less important, and if we are wrong we learn from these mistakes. Here the important thing is to try not to harm other people with our decisions. Best regards.


That's the honest truth... We just have to realize that our right stops when we start infringing on other people's right.

Thanks for your insightful comment


Seriously, we humans like to blame people for the out come of decisions especially when it turns out bad. Brainstorming helps us to check our decisions very well before implimentation. Thanks zfor sharing


I also think that when we eventually make a decision, we should give to the best of our abilities to make it work. In some cases, I make decisions and don't end of giving my best, so it doesn't work out and I try finding countless reasons why :)


Hehe, atleast you now know what needs to be done.
Hopefully whenever you put In the required effort, you'll be favoured in your decisions.


Yes, I think in most cases, putting the required effort tremendously increases our chances of things working out.


Making critical decision is indeed tough and risky but we need to take it considering overall situation and all the possible consequences. Your decision making strategies quite good and impressive and I think everyone should take decision carefully like you do.


Glad you love the strategies too...
Well, it's just to do the much we can.. everything won't definitely turn out in our favour but when they don't and we look back and consider the fact that we did do our best, we will be comforted
