RE: Opportunity Cost - The Case of HBD vs Hive!


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Great breakdown between HBD and HIVE. Newbie here.

For fiat US currency, I usually invest in index funds and have an allocation between stock and bonds. This diversifaction helps me maximize the returns while protecting against downturns. I’m younger and can take more risk so I’m at a 80/20 split (80% stock, 20% bonds).

I wonder if this same investment approach works for this scenario. I’m new to crypto so my understanding is that HBD is similar to bonds where it’s stable and less risky. HIVE is more risk for more reward like stock. So I’ll probably do a split to diversify.

Any thoughts there?

Also basic question: How long do HBDs stay in the savings before you can withdraw?


Hi @sizzlinkola. Welcome to Hive! Yes, that's a great question. And yes, that approach would work perfectly fine with those two. The 80/20 is a very solid strategy for the diversification between low risk and high risk investments.

This article wasn't intended to delve into investing strategies (not that I'm an expert on them either). It was merely meant to explain the opportunity cost of going in one "safe" direction with a tempting fixed APR, vs the seemingly less lucrative APR.

So yes, I didn't discuss what can be "the best" approach in general.
Personally, for example, I even keep some liquid in both Hive and HBD for some market fun ;)

One more thing to note however, you might need to put everything into HP at first as a newbie, since this is a social blockchain, you shouldn't neglect the social aspect. And building up your HP a bit at first, would be a good idea!

Also basic question: How long do HBDs stay in the savings before you can withdraw?

The withdrawal period for HBD from savings is 3 days only. (Any amount, the whole amount).
