Always have an emergency fund


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I think one of the things which could make a person to become broke is when some unplanned spending occurs , especially when the person do not even have enough money to be able to take care of those unplanned bills thereby making the person to collect several loans just to be able to meet up with those unexpected bills which came up.

That is where the importance of having an emergency fund really comes into the picture , having consistent plans for emergencies is really important and necessary and that is why having an emergency fund is very important and necessary for you to always have if you want to about running into debts because of unplanned bills which might come up sometimes in our lives..

As for me , I use 20% of my weekly income to fund an account which I opened as an emergency fund , I make sure I save into the account every week and the emergency fund is quite doing well , so even if any emergency or emgerncies comes up , I will not be afraid because I have enough emergency fund which would help me to take care of those unexpected bills without me running into debts..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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